Blighted Defiler clarification

Rules Questions


In an evil campain a player want to play a Kineticist Blighted Defiler, but when i read the archetype i didnt understand 3 things :

- Does steal power affect insect swarm ? Cause it affect minor wildlife so locust in a swarm doesnt have individual stat so would it kill the swarm ? Cause i dont think just them staying close to each other would buff theif vitality :/

- In the Stolen Strength feature it say "A blighted defiler can never gain a defense wild talent or the expanded defense utility wild talent." but in steal power it say "Alternatively, they can use gather power to reduce the cost of a defense, infusion, or utility wild talent by 1, regardless of whether they gather power for longer or have abilities that increase the burn reduction from gather power." Is it a mistake or was their an errata that didnt make it to d20pfsrd?

- Does Elemental Might have the same limit than elemental overflow which is the max bonus is equal to 1 per 3 kineticist level

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