Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
I wanna know how Casandalee and her new worshippers are doing. How Kevoth-Kul is putting the realm back together. We know Numerian knghts are helping with the Tar-baphon situation but without the Technic League hording technology how else is tech stuff moving around? Speaking of, what are the remnants of the League up to? How many hidden labs and other secrets are they sitting on? I am chomping at the bit for more PFS scenarios now that the society can act openly in numeria. Skittermanders in pf2e when?
I fully expect SF2 to open us up to a Numeria revisit! Eager to get back to it.
If you were going to time a Numeria adventure, it would be when they release a bunch of stuff that will (as I understand) be compatible with PF2e that you can use in it. I don't know about the full Lost Omens treatment for the region, but at least a one-shot or mini-campaign would be nice.
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
I dont care how i just want a technomancer archetype/class archetype and an ap where we have to jerry rig a space craft together to go to another planet or something and take out some alien base and get the MacGuffin. Also laser rifles and stuff so i can spellstrike with them
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MiraculousWaterBottle wrote: I dont care how i just want a technomancer archetype/class archetype and an ap where we have to jerry rig a space craft together to go to another planet or something and take out some alien base and get the MacGuffin. Also laser rifles and stuff so i can spellstrike with them It's worth noting that two different 2e Adventure Paths have gone to other planets so far in this edition already, so you can get some of that flavor while we wait :)
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
keftiu wrote: MiraculousWaterBottle wrote: I dont care how i just want a technomancer archetype/class archetype and an ap where we have to jerry rig a space craft together to go to another planet or something and take out some alien base and get the MacGuffin. Also laser rifles and stuff so i can spellstrike with them It's worth noting that two different 2e Adventure Paths have gone to other planets so far in this edition already, so you can get some of that flavor while we wait :) Too bad neither group I've played with went that far....
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I thought the planet Golarion, including the nation of Numeria, was missing in the Starfinder setting. So how would a LO Numeria book work in Starfinder?
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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Gisher wrote: I thought the planet Golarion, including the nation of Numeria, was missing in the Starfinder setting. So how would a LO Numeria book work in Starfinder? SF2 might facilitate an LO: Numeria book because of the tech. Covering Numeria requires tech. Items for sure, and possibly archetypes. It wouldn't do a thing lorewise, for the reasons you stated.
That said, it might be smarter to use a hypothetical LO: Numeria as a teaser for SF2. The prevalence of tech means that SF2 wouldn't need the archetypes, and Paizo has reprinted items before. Using the book to hint at what's coming wouldn't be a bad idea.
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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Gisher wrote: I thought the planet Golarion, including the nation of Numeria, was missing in the Starfinder setting. So how would a LO Numeria book work in Starfinder? Basically what Evan said. Tech rules/items/character options haven't been touched at all in pf2e yet. If sf2e is going to be compatible then that's the likely place tech rules would spawn from. My hope is just we get to Numeria before sf2 drops fully in 2025-2026 iirc
Got it. Thanks for the clarifications. :)
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