Venomous Stare / Anathema Interaction? (1E Mesmerist / Investigator)

Rules Questions

If you're either Gestalting as Mesmerist/Investigator or you multiclass them can you use the Venomous Stare feat in conjunction with the Anathema Investigator Talent to make the special injury poison the Stare creates into an Anathema on the spot?

The language on this one seems kind of flaky to me and I don't know that anyone ever planned for this interaction. Anathema specifically calls out "When an investigator creates or prepares a poison, including poisons derived from racial or class abilities, he can spend one use of inspiration to create an anathema instead." and Venomous Stare is a Feat augmenting a Class Ability, but does creation here mean just -anything- that makes a poison or is it just implying crafting one without using the word crafting?

My reading is that it doesn't work together. Venomous Stare is not creating a poison, it's just a poisonous/venomous attack. Same thing if you had a poisonous stinger or something. If you could milk the venom or had an ability that allowed you to convert your venom into a poison someone else could use then I'd see it.

I'd possibly also allow it to work with a feat or ability that lets you coat a weapon in your own venom or something, like maybe the Envenomed bloodline power, I would consider that to be 'preparing' a poison, but not just using a poisonous attack.

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