Peer review my classes; Antimage and Arbalist

Homebrew and House Rules

8 made two custom classes and would like someone to review em a bit and let me know if there are over powered, under powered and if you have any ideas for me to edit the classes to make them better.


The concept was based on the fact I hate the counter spell system in pathfinder and I saw little to no way for melee non magical classes to do it and nearly impossible for classes that had magic so naturally I ramped up the idea to 11 and made a class instead of a counter spell rule or something.

Flavor introduction; in every corner of the world you can find magic related tragedies, caused by carelessness, ignorance, cruelty and sometimes all three, and those not gifted in magical arts are often defenseless and in some societies. Knights and warriors turned their passion towards the problem of disarming a mage, that problem bore the fruit of the Antimage. Warriors who seem to be in touched by the chants and words of foes.

At 1st level:
Hatefulcraft: At 1st level a Antimage receives skill focus spell craft, and they add half their class level to spellcraft, to identify the spell being cast.

At beginning of a day a Antimage can choose their two schools of magic that he is always considered ready for the frist is his major hunt the second is his minor hunt, in a single turn he can counter a number of spells in a round = to int mod, and as a swift action can roll to counterspell. At 10th lvl the antimage can set up his null zone on the the controller of a spell countered. All benefits still apply to the Antimage and uses 3 rounds per round when used this way. In addition by sacrificing a 5th lvl charge at the beginning of the day, he can treat all of his apex items as if they had spell stealing.

Antimagic an anti mage receives a number of Anticharges at a levels of charge per day, these charges can be used in a few ways. The antimage uses a anticharge of equal level to counter a spell this replaces the normal spell countering process. At 3rd level an anti mage gains Antibrand: a antimage can use two counter spell charges to get an enhancement of equal level, applied to one of his weapons, for a number of rounds. one charge is for the enchantment lvl, one is for the rounds, In addition the spells that would be used in creation of the enhancment must match the schools chosen for the day These rounds must be consecutive. At 7th level The Anti mage gains The spell parry feat without meeting the prerequisites, this applies to the antimages countering.

The Antimage when a attack spell is cast by a foe, if the Antimage has an Anticharge in the pool, and the target of the spell is within 30+5 ft per level range he can attempt a dispelling swipe. The Antimage can make a attack against the spell, it's DC being the AC of the spell and if the Antimage hits the spell its dispeled, and uses a counter charge of the same level or higher from the anti-mage

if the attack misses, then the spells effects or damages are split between the
Antimage and the original target or targets at 1 caster level lower for every 5 levels of Antimage, with a minimum of -1.

Apex weapon: At character creation anti-mage must choose 5 weapons out of a fighter weapon group, and gains prof. with those weapons.
The Apex weapon is where the Animagic field is sealed thus the weapons is always outside the zone, if the weapon is lost during a Null Zone activation, the zone counts as if it used 2 more rounds of the Zone, and is no longer active. In addition the antimage gains the sicken condition. and can not be used again until the anti mage is able to rest for 8 hours.

An Antimage gains Dreg flares, as when a Antimage counters a spell the action leaves magic dregs, the remains of a spell. An Antimage can use charges to power certain glyphs, and for the purposes of determining caster level, add the level of the charge to the results, the charge of a dreg flare is equal to the spell level of the coutnerd spell.

The Antimage at lvl 2 gains selective magic resistance, allies spells will be unaffected by this spell resistance, and goes up every 4 levels. sr is 4 +1/2 CL+ Cha mod, and goes up 4, every 4th level (2nd/4 6th/8 10th/12 14th/16 18th/20)

Null Zone: By entering into a meditative state, he can draw forth an antimagic field or aura around him for a number of rounds equal to Cha modifier and intellect modifier. Every 6 levels starting at 6th, he get an additional 3 rounds This aura acts like the spell antimagic field, with the following exceptions; The antimages Apex item, worn items and any Dreg flare effects remain Uneffected for the duration of his Null zone.

The antimage receives +2 ac and his weapon deals extra damage equal to the half the level of highest spell the target can cast, and half the number of spells in that slot both have a minimum of 1 per number for a total minimum of 2, if the target can't spell cast then use the same formula from the Antimagic charges the Antimage has. ( IE he attacks a mage who can cast 5th level spell three times a day, and he would get a bonus and the bonus would be plus 2 for the 5th level spells, and a bonus of 1 for having the third level slot.)

Starting at level 2, and every 3 levels after that they gain Null Glyphs that effect, alter and or powered by the Null Zone. lvl 2/1 | lvl 5/2 | lvl 8th/3 | level 11, 4th | level 14, 5th | level 17th, 6th | 20th, 7th |

Armor of Ego: The anti mage if left unburdened( no shield, no armor) he receives, half his Intellect mod and half his charisma mod as an AC bonus, In addition for every 4 levels, starting at 5th he receives a bonus +1 AC for a total of +5.

The anti mage when his capiblties to control dregs get better, and he chooses from the Dreg Defects that he can apply at will to the dregs he collects or spells he counters. they choose on the 1st level and every three levels there after they choose 1 from the lesser dreg list, and starting at level 10 he can choose a major Dregs in addition. (1st/1 | 4th/2 | 7th/3| 10/4/1 | 13/5/2 | 16/6/3 | and |19/7/4|

Minor dregs

Dregs of Training: Gives the Antimage weapon training with all his apex weapons.

Dregs of finesse: A antimage gains the feat "Weapon finesse" with only his Apex weapon

Dregs of Reduction: Replaces the energy resistance gained from countering an abjuration with DR changing the number he gets per spell level to 1.

This must be decided before countering a spell.

Dregs of duality: give the anti mage Two weapon fighting.

Dregs of learning: Allows the Anti mage to choose a spell that if he were a Wizard, Druid, Cleric, or Kineticist of 2 casters levels lower with using charisma for the casting stat, to replace a school effect in the "Taste of knowledge " with another Spell from that school. The Antimage has to be Level 4 or higher to choose this Derg.

Dregs of ranged: Forgoing the bonuses of the apex weapon, this allows the antimage to counter a spell at double his normal range, but has to use a charge slot that is 2 levels higher than the counted spell, treat the attack as a ranged touch attack vs the dc of the spell.

Dregs of focus: Allows the antimage to take a feat of spell focus for a school, and the bonuses gained are applied to the attack roll veres that paticular kind of spell, For counter swipe. While under Void Null this bonus is doubled.

Dregs of Annex: Replace the DC of the spell he is countering with his own Class level and DC, this applies on all Taste of Knowledge bonuses and buffs applied

Dregs of Magic meta'd : Allows the anti mage to learn one Metamagic feat (As long as he meets the requirements for it, With half his class level counting for ranks in a skill, as well as Dregs of Focus counting for spell focus ) and to apply to his counters, the additional spell levels have to be fulfilled by another slot for the total to equal out the required spell level for the altered magic, a higher slot can not be used alone. Also as long as they have not taken this dreg again or learned any other meta magic feat they can change out the last meta magic feat the learned at any level. This can be taken more then once. (IE a 5th level spell is cast, The antimage choose to apply maximise spell to counter spell. Therefore they must use a 5th and a 3rd level charge. )

Dregs of Hubris; This will cause Dregs to use the Antimages level as a caster level instead of the person he's counterig.

Dregs of movement; This allows the antimage to use a spell charge to enforce his body for Stressful activities, for every level of charge given he gets a +2 per charge level to the of these skills; Acrobatics. Climb, and swim for any 1 dice roll.

Dregs of Reflection: This allows the antimage to use a spell charge to enforce his memory for Stressful activities, for every level of charge given he gets a +2 per charge level to the of these skills; Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (history) Knowledge (geography) Knowledge (nobility) for any 1 dice roll.

Dreg of Thoughtful strike: The antimagi can use a 1st level anticharge to add intelligence modifer to his to hit. Can not be used with Dreg of striking smile

Dreg of wounding smile: The antimagi can use a 2nd level anticharge to add charisma mod to his to damage. Dreg of thoughtful wound

Dreg of Lesser Replenishment: Allows the antimage to use a countered spell as fuel for his anticharge. Allows the Antimagi to get 1 charge back equal to 1 level lower then the spell countered.

Dreg of Replenishment: Allows the antimage to use a countered spell as fuel for his anticharge. Allows the Antimagi to get 1 charge back equal to the spell countered. Prereq: Dreg of Replenishment

Major dregs

Dregs of blade turning aura: This adds AC equal to half the Antimages spell resistance to his bonus from Armor of thought class feature 2 rounds for every level of any spell countered.

Dregs of chase: After a successful spellcounter, a number of times equal to half the Antimages Class level they can choose to teleport to a point with in melee range of the caster only if they are with in 30 feet+5 per class level +Cha modifer and make a attack of opportunity at full base attack bonus.

Dreg of Empowr: He can empower any one of his apex weapons with magical enchantments for the day. The Antimage must scraficring 2 Antimagic charges of the same level to give his apex weapon an enchantment, where the matching charge level is the enchantment level or ew he gets from the effect. He sacrifices two lvl 3 charges and will get a lvl 3 enchantment. This has to be declared at the beginning of the day.

Dregs of Gorging : He may scrafice a charge of two level higher to pull the spell into his weapon giving it a random magic weapon effect, for every 2 spell levels gives one enhancement point

Dreg of Hunter's Choice : A antimage can choose 1 school of magic and treat all spells of that type as a another chosen school. This can only be choosen 1 time for every 5 levels above 10.

Dreg of Major Replenishment: Allows the antimage to use a countered spell as fuel for his anticharge. Allows the Antimagi to get 1 charge back equal to the spell countered, or 2 spells 1 level lower, or 3, 2 levels lower, or 4, 3 levels lower. prereq: Dreg of Replenishment

Null zone altercations;

Null glyph of Adaptions : this Glyphs can be picked more than once. This allows the Antimage to exchange rounds of Null Void for rounds on 1 of the following spells, chosen when this Null Void altercation is pickek, with the listed conversion rates (rds = rounds) for each spell aura of Antimagic for one of the following Anti-Incorporeal Shell (1rd to 2rd) , Anti-Summoning Shield (1rd to 3rds), Antilife Shell (1rd to 1rd), Antiplant Shell.(1rd to 2rd) Antitech Field, (1rd to 1 Rd) Magnetic field. 1rd to 1rd)

Stretched Glyph; Add a starting cost of 2 extra rounds at the start of the Null Void Activation, and for the duration of the Null Void Aura the Antimage has a reach of 10 feet, if the chosen weapon is a reach weapon, add 5 feet to the range of the weapon.

Objective reality Glyph: The Antimage gains a +2 morale bonus on saving throws made to resist spells, supernatural abilities, and spell-like abilities. This bonus increases by +1 for every 4 levels the Antimage has attained. While under the effects of Null Void, the Antimage cannot be a willing target of any spell and must make saving throws to resist all spells, even those cast by allies.

Glyph of Arrow Bane: this acts like the monk ability deflect arrows, with the open hand replaced by the Apex weapon.

Glyph of Intellectual apex: During Null zone the Antimage use intelligence modifier instead of Str Modifer during Null Zone for damage

Glyph of deep thought: During Null zone they get full intelligence modifier to ac bonus.

Glyph of Shining Vibe: During Null zone they get full charisma modifer modifier to ac bonus.

Glyph of Giant growth: The antimage must be level 5 or higher to choose this glyph. During Null zone, the Antimage, and all equipment is 1 size larger.


1st level Hateful craft, Anticounter, Hunted Schools, Apex, Null zone, Armor of Ego, Taste of knowledge, Dreg.
2nd level Selective Magic Resistance 4 , Null Glyph
3rd level Antibrand
4th level Dreg, Armor of Ego +1 (1)
5th level Spellsteal charge, Null Glyph, Armor of Ego + 1 (1)
6th level Selective Magic Resistance 8
7th level Dreg, spell parry.
8th level Null Glyph, Armor of Ego +1 (2)
9th level Higher Apex
10th level Dreg, Major Dreg
Remote Null zone, Selective Magic Resistance 12, Armor of Ego + 1 (2)
11th level Null Glyph
12th level Armor of Ego +1 (3)
13th level Dreg, Major Dreg
14th level Selective Magic Resistance 16, Null Glyph
15th level Higher Apex
16th level Dreg, Major Dreg, Armor of Ego + 1 (4)
17th level Null Glyph
18th level Selective Magic Resistance 20
19th level Dreg, Major Dreg
20th level Null Glyph, Armor of Ego + 1 (5)

Full BAB
Same saves as a wizard, and same spell slots to represent his animagic charges
He does not get actual spells

I think I need to adjust the things that give him bonus damage and I forgot to say the dregs have a time limit on them meaning if he counters a spell he has to use the dreg with in so many minutes. I want to say 5 minutes. I want there to feel like there is no time limit inside encounters but outside it's a really short time frame so I was thinking maybe 5 plus half of class level

Hit dice: 1d8

Skill points 2 plus into modifier

Class skills:Acrobatics, craft, diplomacy, fly, knowledge arcana, knowledge nobility, knowledge plains, knowledge dungeoneering. ride, linguistics, profession, spell craft, use magic device.

Weapons and armor profs: club, dagger, heavy crossbow, light crossbow, and quarterstaff, but not with any type of armor or shield. As the Antimage threw apex weapons get access to a lot of weapons.

Dark Archive

pathfinder has conventions with BAB and HD in regards to base classes.

all d8 hd classes will have 3/4 BAB (like cleric, rogue, monk, inquisitor, etc)

so either bump hd to d10 or lower BAB to 3/4

I'd just give them martial weapon prof, scrap apex weapon giving them weapon profs

armor of ego is too weird. half of 2 stats? just give full of one or the other.

maybe give an option or archetype to change the int stuff to cha

Your comment made me realize I forgot a major part of the class

Taste of Knowledge, when ever the Antimage counters a spell of a particular school he gets said effects. All spells assume caster level of the enemy caster for effects that specify such including their DCs for it. Abjuration: Gains acid, cold, fire, electricity, or sonic resistance equal to 2 per spell level, plus his cha modifier
Conjuration: Gains a deflection bonus to AC equal to +1 for half of the spell level plus the anti magi's chrisma modifer
Divination: Gains the effects of detect chaos/evil/good/law/magic
Enchantment: Grants the effects of the spell heroism for a number of rounds equal to spell level + cha modifer
Evocation: Inflicts an amount of damage equal to the spell’s level and the Antimages charisma modifier upon the spell’s caster.
Illusion: Grants the effects of invisibility, for a number of rounds equal to spell level plus the cha modifier This effect ends as per the spell.
Necromancy: The spell's caster goes under the effect of steal voice number of rounds equal to spell level plus charisma modifer
Transmutation: Gains an enhancement bonus on + 2 to str for every 2 level of the spell with charisma mod with a minimum of +2

Higher Apex: At 9th level The antimage receives weapon focus in his apex weapons, and may choose 4 more weapons from a diffrent group. At 15th level they receives weapons focus again on all apex weapons increasing the original five to a bonus of +2, the set of 4 at +1 and now they choose another 3 weapons from another group to become proficient with.

Capstone: During Null Zone, The antimagi may attempt to counter Any spell as if he readied an action, and antimagic feat counters now have half the cost level wise to use and that the only charge requirement during a null zone.
Alternate capstone: The antimagic chooses a metamagic feat they have, this is automaticly applied to his major hunt school of magic, as well as both meta cost and spell counter cost is free to while the second school of magic they choose has the normal requirement to counter, and automatically applies the meta magic feat.

Thanks for the thoughts my dude, hopefully the ability helps explain why I did the do thing with a full BAB but to further explain

I gave him 1d8 because he has a lot of defense options for both spells and combat, and I broke the convention very carefully as the Barbarian breaks that convention in the other way by having a d12, and I thought the defenses itself help make up for it, but I feel as if he should have a full BAB because his major damage and abilities come from weapons while the 1d10 classes either have no spells or spells at level 4 or 5 and very little special damage abilities,

Secondly if I scrapped the apex weapon and gave him martial weapons it would not reflect how focused and limited in weapons I would like the class to be, while disallowing exotic weapons with out doing feat stuff and I just picture the Antimage knowing a few but,weird weapons. Maybe I restrict instead of the 5 4 3, I do 4.3 2 maybe that would help?
I just don't think he belongs in the d10 area while I firmly believes he should have a full BAB.

Also the armor of ego thing was to not step too hard on the monks toes and make it harder to have an equal AC to the monk, Mmaybe I up the bonus, but keep the half a modifer for only 1 stat? I just know he's going to need the bonus ac but the idea was to avoid overlapping too hard with magnus or monk if you don't see that as an issue I'll see about swapping it.

I could also remove his bonus damage for spells and spell slots, I think that might require too much meta info to be given to the player, then I would for sure want to give him more HP if combined with the change to armor of ego.

What do you think of my thought process and the edit ideas?

Thanks for your time, and to be clear not arguing thinking out loud and my reasoning for breaking the convention. :)

The Arbalist

At 1st level they receive Nock hit, allowing the player to reload their cross bow on any successful melee hit.

At 1st level they receive *--Two Close for Comfort--*: Any crossbow in their hands can be used as a weapon without counting as an improvised weapon, and hand crossbows count as light weapons for the purposes of two weapon fighting. It's 1d4 with the disarm special quality, and x2 for crit, and when they can weild the light crossbow in the off hand it's 1d6, with the disarm special quality and x2 to crit, likewise a light weapon for two weapon fighting.

Whenever they use the cross bow as a melee weapon, treat it as a 1d8 with the brace special quality, x2 crit In addition the melee of all crossbows is treated as a different weapon then it's ranged counterpart for the purposes of enchantments, this is not affected by ,"Heavy for its size."
They get no inherent penalty for shooting 1 handed , however if weilding two crossbows for the purpose of shooting it functions exactly like two weapon fighting, where the Arblist has two weapon fighting if using crossbows as melee or ranged weapons.

one hand range; if used 1 handed, the range increment of the cross bows is 1/4 of it's normal range, every 2 levels the range goes up by 1/4 rounded to the nearest 5ft increment with the option to revert range increments to make use of weight of distance.
There will be a range by level table for crossbows

Impact trigger: the arbilst can shoot at the same time they hit with the cross bow. At 9th level increase the critical range on the melee of all cross bows to 19-20., If the crossbow already has the keen ability, the player can either get a refund for 75% of the value of the enchantment, or pick another with a similar enchantment value.

At 2nd level they gain rapid reload as a free feat, if they already have it they can exchange it for another ranged weapon feat, and every 3 levels afterwards they receive another combat feat. (2, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20)

At 3rd level they receive weight of distance; their range increment doubles for all crossbows, and for every range increment beyond the frist they receive a plus +2 to damage rolls.

At 4th level they receive the class feature crossbow to bare; crossbows no longer effects the arblist ability to weld a normal shield, or a hand crossbow in their off hand. At 8th level they can use a tower shield, they can also wield the light crossbow in the off hand, 12th they can now plant the shield into the ground , to remove penalties from the first 4 range increments, after the frist.

They also receive their first Build Point, points customizing thier own weapon, and the player can invest it in any of the four abilities with the frist 1 trains you to use the skill.

Shatter cone bolt; The bolt Shatters as it exits the last target creating a 15ft cone, with +2 damage, and + 2 to hit. (Max +10)
The cone increases distance and width by 5ft per point invested Those in the cone roll reflex to take half. The DC is equal to 10 + wis modifier + 1/2 class level.

Pierce: This Allows the arrow to go through one target to another, and for every target it goes through, the arrow goes down 1 size category in damage, and can only hit the number of targets equal to the points invested. In order to pearce the crossbow shot must be higher then the opposing AC by 3

Serrated; this arrow's wicked head causes bleed, and once hit a DC check must be passed if not for 1d3 + Buildps turns, it deals 1d4 +Buildps bleed damage.

The arblist gains a Pain Pool, as these arrows cause incredible recoil, and they can only withstand so much. Each point applied to an arrow allows one ability to be used, but you can't apply the same ability to an arrow twice. The point pool is equal to con modifier+ 1/2 class level.

At 5th level they receive skill focus craft crossbow and if the weapon or string breaks in combat they receive an additional circumstance bonus of +3 for a total of +6 to repair the weapon in combat.

Heavy for its size; a crossbow expert rarely has a normal version of the weapon whether it's heavier duty wood or a part chipped off for larger projectiles. The cross bow in the arblist hands does damage as one size category bigger. This bonus increases to 2 size categories at level 10, and 3 at 15

At 6thl level the Arborist gains the ability to bounce his bolts off a wall, each bounce is considered a range increment, and can't get lower then half the bonus to the shot. the walls used for bouncing,must be within 20 ft. This number is increased 10 ft every 3 levels. (I.e. 6th/20, 9th/30, 12th/40, 15th/50ft.)

Almost a shield At 7th level the player gains plus 2 to AC when wielding the cross bow this bonus increases by 2 at level 14, if its a hand cross bow in the off hand cut the bonus by half.

At 8th level they receive a feat, a build point and can wield tower shield with their crossbow, and light crossbow counts as a light melee weapon.

9th level,"Almost does count," The melee side of the cross bow crit range increases by 1 for a total of 19-20 if the weapons already got the keen ability from somewhere else refund 75% IDC the gold cost for adding keen.

Normal Range: 80ft.
One Handed 20ft (4th/40ft, 8th/60ft, 12th/80ft, 16th/100ft 20th/120ft)

Normal Range: 120ft.
One Handed: 30ft, (4th 60ft, 8th 90ft, 12th 120ft, 16th 150ft, 20th 180th)

***Crossbow, Underwater (Light)***
Normal Range: 80ft .
One Handed: 20ft(4th/40ft, 8th/60ft 12th/80ft, 16th/100ft 20th/120ft)

***Crossbow, Underwater (heavy)***
Normal Range: 120ft.
One Handed: 30ft (4th 60ft, 8th 90ft, 12th 120ft, 16th 150ft, 20th 180th)

***Crossbow, Crank (Heavy)***
Normal Range: 120ft.
One Handed 30ft (4th 60ft, 8th 90ft, 12th 120ft, 16th 1150ft, 20th 180th

***Crossbow, Crank (Light)***
Normal Range: 80ft.
One Handed: 20ft, (4th/40ft, 8th/60ft, 12th/80ft, 16th/100ft 20th/120ft)

***Crossbow, Double(Light)***
Normal Range: 80ft
One Handed: 20ft (4th/40ft, 8th/60f5, 12th/80ft, 16th/100ft 20th/120ft)

***Crossbow, Double(Heavy)***
Normal Range: 120 ft
One Handed: 30ft (4th 60ft, 8th 90ft, 12th 120ft, 16th 150ft, 20th 180th)

***Crossbow, Hand***:
Normal Range: 30ft.
One Handed Range: 10ft
(4th 15ft, 8th ft 25ft, 12th 30, 16th 40ft, 20th 45ft)

***Crossbow, Launching***
Normal Range: 30ft.
One Handed Range: 10ft (4th 15ft, 8th ft 25ft, 12th 30, 16th 40ft, 20th 45ft)

***Crossbow, Repeating(Heavy)***
Normal Range: 120ft.
One handed Range: 30ft (4th 60ft, 8th 90ft, 12th 120ft, 16th 150ft, 20th 180th)

***Crossbow, Repeating(Light)***
Normal Range: 80ft.
One Handed range: 20ft (4th/40ft, 8th/60ft, 12th/80ft, 16th/100ft 20th/120ft)

***Pelletbow, Dwarven (Light)***
Normal Range: 30ft.
One handed range: 10ft, (4th 15ft, 8th ft 25ft, 12th 30, 16th 40ft, 20th 45ft)

***Pelletbow, Dwarven (Heavy)***
Normal Range 60ft.
One handed range: 15ft
(4th 30ft, 8th 45ft, 12th 60ft, 16th 75ft, 20th 90ft)

Bolt tip focus: the arblist focuses so hard on his shot at lvl 7 he receives a magical enhancement of +1 to all bolts he fires.

Hp: 1d8

Skills; Int mod+2

Weapon profs simple, martial,all crossbows, all armors, and shields (except tower shields)

It's formated on my discord all pretty like, of I can edit this later I'll format it better until then info is there and that's the important part

Er for the abrblist a few things I forgot to say he gets a signature crossbow when he starts and his abilities only work with that crossbow he has to make it again if. It breaks and he gets a second 1 at level 4 but either way takes 24 hours at a forge for him to do so

Ogre_Watts64 wrote:
if you have any ideas for me to edit the classes to make them better.

The first thing you should to to improve these classes is to write them down in the style classes are written down. I strongly recommend using something other than forum posts, e.g. Google Docs where you can put it into better formatting (especially the class table). That way you can edit it, too.

Also, it would also be better to not discuss two classes in one thread.

Ogre_Watts64 wrote:
Secondly if I scrapped the apex weapon and gave him martial weapons it would not reflect how focused and limited in weapons I would like the class to be

Then you should either give it a fixed list of weapons like Druid or Ninja, or imitate Warpriest's Focus Weapon. As it is the ability is not fitting for a base class.

Name Violation wrote:
all d8 hd classes will have 3/4 BAB (like cleric, rogue, monk, inquisitor, etc)

To be honest, I don't mind breaking this, because Vigilanty already does it in effect even though it's not shown in the class table. No need for sacred cows.

Derklord wrote:
Ogre_Watts64 wrote:
if you have any ideas for me to edit the classes to make them better.

The first thing you should to to improve these classes is to write them down in the style classes are written down. I strongly recommend using something other than forum posts, e.g. Google Docs where you can put it into better formatting (especially the class table). That way you can edit it, too.

Also, it would also be better to not discuss two classes in one thread.

Ogre_Watts64 wrote:
Secondly if I scrapped the apex weapon and gave him martial weapons it would not reflect how focused and limited in weapons I would like the class to be

Then you should either give it a fixed list of weapons like Druid or Ninja, or imitate Warpriest's Focus Weapon. As it is the ability is not fitting for a base class.

Name Violation wrote:
all d8 hd classes will have 3/4 BAB (like cleric, rogue, monk, inquisitor, etc)
To be honest, I don't mind breaking this, because Vigilanty already does it in effect even though it's not shown in the class table. No need for sacred cows.

Makes sense to me. I'll reformat them I just got them on discord currently but I'll nail down the classes in the normal format, I assure you there are a lot better on my discord but thank you for the thoughts and I'll pick a weapon list instead of the current style. Thanks for the thoughts.

I'll assume you are coming from playing another system and the jargon is somewhat in that style.
I think you need to play d20/DnD3.5 or PF1 and/or build some system expertise before designing something for the system. Fresh insight is good but there is Game Balance and some basic system mechanics that you've ignored or bypassed. Thus, Rejected to be reviewed.

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