Starfinder Enhanced preview are out!

General Discussion


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Starfinder Enhanced preview are out!

new optional starship combat rules .

new species .

Enhanced Classes .

Shadow Lodge

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My personal initial reaction to the Technomancer Magic Hacks Preview:

2nd Level
Advanced Warning (Su): Bonus to initiative is a bit weak, Bonus to Perception checks to act in the surprise round is really weak since Technomancers don't get this as a class skill and none of their class abilities actually use wisdom, The Augury bonus might be nice.
Enhance Defense (Su): Spending a reaction and a RP to grant a tiny AC bonus against a single attacker seems really weak to me.
Enhance Energy Save (Su): Less likely to be triggered than the previous 'defense' option, but slightly better when it does (slightly bigger bonus, no RP cost). The 'when you or an ally within 30 feet is targeted with an area effect that requires a saving throw...' phrasing does seems wrong, though...
Enhance Illumination (Su): The baseline ability doesn't seem that useful, and the offensive part not excluding your allies makes it difficult to use. Might be nice against light-sensitive foes, so 'highly situational' seems like the best description...
Quiet Space (Su): Again, how useful you find this will probably depend on how often you face sonic damage or need to conceal the noise your teammates (but not you) are making.
Retrieve Data (Su): Really nice. The DC does seem a bit low, as DC13 for a Tier 2 computer should typically be really easy to make.

5th Level
Duplicate Device (Su): Seems interesting, but once per day for a very limited duration limits it greatly. Also, should be called 'Duplicate Weapon'
Phase Shield (Su): Seems nice, but might you be better off using a feat for proficiency and using a real shield? I'm assuming the 8th level version is supposed to be a 'Field Tactical Shield'
Phase Weapon (Su): Very situational.
Power Down (Su): Seems nice.
Swarm Surge (Su): Very situational.

8th Level
Adopt Weapon (Su): Standard action to activate and fairly short duration (long enough to last the fight, but too short to pre-cast in a lot of situations).
Critical Surge (Su): Not impressive damage, but you might get to use it fairly often. It's value really depends on what other uses you might have for your reaction.
Duplicate Spell (Su): How likely are you to witness the casting of a spell you both can duplicate and would actually want to duplicate?
Hindering Surge (Su): Presumably, a sucessful use means your foe will just take some other action?
Phased Attack (Su): Not a huge bonus, but you'll get it fairly often at least.
Scan Weakness (Su): Computers DC seems fairly tough, and the bonuses basically last for only one attack. At least you get to use it once per foe.

11th Level
Deactivating Surge (Su): Seems nice.
Phase Stride (Su): Seems nice.
Phase Strike (Su): Melee Only, but seems nice.
Power Surge (Su): Again, seems nice
Surging Magic (Su): That's a pretty nice SR

14th Level
Power Drain (Su): Melee only, seems more useful for charging your own equipment than limiting your foe.
Phase Entrapment (Su): Seems very nice.
Phase Swarm (Su): 6d6 damage to a single target seems weak for 14th level power that costs an RP to activate and takes your standard action each round to maintain.
Restore Technology (Su): Nice if you expect your gear to break a lot (maybe with Digital Shield)
Stunning Surge (Su): Seems nice

17th Level
Antimagic Sphere (Su): Remember that it hurts your allies. Since it mostly impacts magic items, its overall impact will probably be minimal.
Construct Form (Su): Full action to activate and it really just gets you a bunch of construct immunities.
Power Sphere (Sp): 10d6 damage is a 3rd level spell, not a 17th level hack.
Technological Apocalypse (Su): Hurts your allies' gear as well as your foes' but the area is much smaller than Antimagic Sphere at least. Probably good for a 'charge into melee before the rest of the party and go all EMP on your foes' build.

Shadow Lodge

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My personal initial reaction to the other Technomancer Class Features Preview:

Technomantic Talent
At baseline, a minor boost or nerf to a spell twice per day.

Abjuration: The baseline +/- 2 caster levels for Abjuration spell durations or Caster Level checks is decent if typically unexciting (though Dispel Magic and Remove Affliction (from another caster) become significantly more likely to succeed). Unfortunately, getting this option multiple times only seems to improve the duration modifier and not the caster level check, which kinda sucks but seems understandable (+14 CL for Dispel Magic would be a bit overboard).
Conjuration: Adding a single heal/damage die to a conjuration spell seems a bit weak past low levels. Adding 1/3 of your level in healing/damage for each additional time you take this option isn't a lot better. Brace for the inevitable 'how does the 1/3 level bonus work with Megavitamin' discussions...
Divination: Increasing/decreasing the range or duration of a Divination spell feels a bit weak.
Enchantment: Increasing Enchantment spell DCs sounds great, but it specifically doesn't stack with any other DC increase like Spell Focus so this one seems a bit weak overall (Assuming you take this option at levels 1, 4, & 7, you end up with a +1 bonus at levels 1-2, +0 at 3rd, +1 at levels 4-6, +2 at levels 7-10, +1 at 11-16, and +0 at levels 17+). Pretty much need to use this ability defensively (reduce the DCs of your opponents' enchantment spells) only.
Evocation: Maximizing/Minimizing a handful of damage dice seems pretty nice, though it may seem less impressive as damage pools get bigger.
Illusion: Automatically getting a save against illusions you encounter is pretty nice, and the reduced DC for the first two disbelieves is pretty sweet. A bit situational, but still very nice.
Necromancy: Rerolls are usually pretty good
Transmutation: +/- to Caster Level for Duration or Spell Penetration checks feels a bit meh to me, but if you really want to pierce SR with your Disintegrate spell, here's your best option...

Increased Spell DCs versus technological creatures is nice, but I'm not really fond of 'better against certain types of creatures' boosts.

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