Weird party, possible fix?

Fists of the Ruby Phoenix

I'm running this for my table of a bomber Alchemist, Wizard, Bard, and Monk.

Even though I heavily sign-posted long days ahead, they are nearly out of top level spells 2.5 combats into the temple and I'm getting nerveous.

Given that 3 of the characters are daily resource dependent, and worrying that the long days in Book 1 will undoubtedly lead the characters to being tapped out by noon, I was thinking of offering the following power to the Phoenix Necklace:

Activate 10 minutes (envision, Interact); Effect The necklace consumes one of the attached silver feathers and allows the party to take the effects of a full night's Rest. You may then spend the next hour making daily preparations, ignoring the usual once per day limit. Activating this ability is particularly costly and every activation requires consuming one more silver feather than the previous activation.

This, to me, allows them to be a bit more blasty with their spells and bombs, while still punishing being too loose (both by taking a feather and an hour of the day away). Are there any drawbacks others can see with this? Has anybody else run this AP with a caster-heavy party?

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

My party is a Wizard, Druid, Rogue MC sorcerer and Giant Barbarian, so I have had similar issues. A pretty easy "fix" that isn't even a fix, is to make sure they realize that there are pretty nice magic item shops available to them on "Danger Isle" and that lower level scrolls and alchemist items are trivially cheap to buy in bulk. Maybe help them realize this by chaning some of the treasure they find (especially away from weapons) into bundles of scrolls or crates of bombs.

One trick to PF AP's generally is that they assume a fair bit of the treasure that is weapon upgrades is not getting sold at half value, so if you party is consistently selling off high value items, they can end up behind on total treasure. Changing what they find to what they use is an assumption the game makes without enough fanfare in my book. The writers try to compensate withe extra loot drops, but especially in a sandbox a lot of that extra loot gets left behind and if all of it is just getting sold then the party can still fall behind.

Thanks. Yeah, I feel like I've been pretty generous in what they get. The casters each have extra staves, wands, etc. Alchemist has Ring of the Ram and some other utility things.

I'll definitely keep reminding them of the shops around, and ruminate on the feather power - if they are indeed wiped out of slots early in the day, I may enact it.

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