Metal Elemental Companions

Rules Discussion

So I was looking over the entry for the new elemental companions in RoE, and all but the metal elemental require you to be in one of the druidic orders to obtain them. So can you get a metal elemental companion as a ranger or with the beastmaster archetype without going into druid?

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
WanderingVoidWolf wrote:
So I was looking over the entry for the new elemental companions in RoE, and all but the metal elemental require you to be in one of the druidic orders to obtain them. So can you get a metal elemental companion as a ranger or with the beastmaster archetype without going into druid?

You're reading it wrong. Access is not prerequisite. Access means that you can take this uncommon option without needing to ask your GM. A ranger or beast master can legally take these options with their GM's permission.

Thanks. For some reason I completely missed the fact that they were an uncommon option. Also, did read it wrong as well do thanks for pointing that out for me!

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

It's cool, Access trips up most people. I question its inclusion in the game at all TBH.

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