HobgoblinLiker13 |

I just really love oddball magic items, especially oddball magic items that are used for wacky shenanigans, so I figured I'd create a thread devoted to oddball magic items we've used for wacky shenanigans.
I'll start with one I haven't used yet - a frying pan with the Authorized and Flaming runes that I want my Changeling Bard Character (whose two major themes are cooking and the Cthulhu Mythos) wants to get. However, while this may not seem wacky on its own, the "wacky" part is that she doesn't even like using it for combat, instead she uses it almost exclusively to cook and has the Authorized rune on it because it's hers and she doesn't want anyone touching it.
I know it's not as out there as a lot of other people's ideas but I like it a lot.