Ww1 Campaign vehicle stats HELP!


So ive been working on a ww1 campagin but ive ran into a problem. How the heck do I Stat the vehicles properly? I know there is a rule guide that's eh at best.

I'm using both the vehicle guide and Raspution must die Tank stat on D20PFSD but frankly im confused on how they managed to stat it. I understand how to calculate HP for the vehicles (except Air planes due to wing span) but how do I Stat the base speed and acceleration, base save, and CMB because the rules don't explain how to stat those.

I have a boat load of tanks, planes, ships, which only need those couple stats I have no idea how to do to complete.

Please help this is giving me a headache if someone can post a nice detailed guide on how to stat everything on a Tank, plane, or Ship thatd be amazing!

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