Need some ideas for consuming the flesh of the divine


So I am running a Mythic game set in Azlant. Currently they are in the Lost Sun Temple. Which is a failed attempts by Andoran to colonize one of the islands in Azlant.

So the plan they have settled on is that they want to kill the Divine sliver there that has enslaved people for the last 300+ years. There is a nasty cult. Well they wanna kill the Godling but what if it goes to another plane and reforms as outsiders are prone to do. So what are they to do?

Consume the God Flesh. This is a ritual they can preform in their battle with them. What I am struggling with is what happens if they succeed? What are some good and bad things that can happen from consuming a proto Godling

Nurgal’s domains are Chaos, Evil, Fire, and Sun, and his favored weapon is the heavy mace.

So for some of the lore needed for my question. Way back in the Azlanti times there was a god called Nurgal. An evil Sun god who was cut in half by the Goddess Acavna. The lesser half fell into Hell and became the infernal duke Nergal; the greater half plummeted into the Abyss, and became a demon lord that retained the name Nurgal. So a full god became two demigods. But there was a tiny sliver that fell to the Mateiral Plane and became the proto godling Nuruu’gal. This creature was sealed up under a temple long before Earthfall.

But that was 10,000 years ago and that seal is breaking. When the first colonists came they crashed and the survivors explored the island to find somewhere to make their new home. They found a runined city. And within that city is the temple the proto godling is trapped in. Well someone found it. Current game in a few centuries after this. So the cult colony is well established.

They have been here once and escaped with the people who were opposed to cultists and the breeding families trapped with the cultists. So they are legit baddies.

Acavna, Nurgal and Nergal would be interested in the PCs number, so to speak.

Plot idea:

--Nurgal and Nergal are knon to share a bond, inspite of hating each other. They can only die if the other one also dies within a year and a day. Well, Nocticula or Ragathiel (or both) already did this, but they still came back. why? Because The third one, now one of the PCs, also has to be killed within a year and a day in order to kill the other 2.

--The PC gets the grant spells divine power

--Nocticula and Ragathiel find out, as do Nurgal and Nergal. 4 Demigods now want the PC, and perhaps Acavna has mercy and seeks to save him.

Acavna is dead. She died during Earthfall. So she can't really do any saving

Having the two demi gods take notice is an interesting though.

Azlant on PFWiki, Nurgal(again).
The island seems uninhabited.

PFS Scenario 10-09 The Rasping Rebirth has a similar event.
When our group did it in Forgotten Realms the GM had a hat with various "powers". 1 character got an epic(deific) level gaining ageless immortality and various immunities.
M.Moorcock has the brothers Kwll and Rhynn from the Swords Trilogy/ Corum stories.
H.G.Wells Eloi and Morlocks, a classic lotus eaters scenario predator.

According to Pathfidner and Starfinder Lore

"According to legends, Lao Shu Po was merely a normal rat. This changed after the traitorous Fumeiyoshi slew his brother, the moon god Tsukiyo. The rat Lao Shu Po somehow found her way to the moon god's grave and feasted upon his divine flesh as he lay buried, absorbing some of his divine power."

So if tles that would seem appropriate. Just my 2 cents

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but what happened to the rat?

Deaths Adorable Apprentice wrote:
but what happened to the rat?

The rat became a straight up deity. I should have been more detailed in my earlier message, apologies.

I love that. But I don't want my party to become straight up deities.
way to big of a group for that.

More so want like a good and bad thing to happen. Currently thinking I could give abilities from the domains or maybe spells. I don't want to immediately change their alignments because they would not enjoy that and I preferer my players to like the game. But they are anticipating something bad happening and I want that. Just not sure on the bad thing.

Could be a vulnerability? Could have specific demons now be after them. But that one is a slow burn.

Deaths Adorable Apprentice wrote:
More so want like a good and bad thing to happen.

Ok, in regards to "bad thing" something you could do is look at Mythic Adventures 134 MYTHIC FLAWS, it has a number of suggestions for weaknesses that can be incorporated into Mythic characters. Also, something to consider is Nurgle's own past, this is "his" Devine spark after all. You could base the parties now found powers and weaknesses around his past abilities, he was a deity of deserts, senseless warfare, and the sun. Assuming a party of 4, you could give each of them a +/- for each of his areas of concern.

So perhaps something a member of you party could get is increased martial prowess and strength, but only when the sun is out, at night or on days when the sun does not shine they suffer some form of negative.

My 2 cents.

Scarab Sages

As I recall there was one manga where if you ate mermaid flesh you either died, became immortal or turned into an insane canibalistic monster driven by a need to kill and consume people. So you could go with that if the party is willing to risk themselves on a bad roll.

They are only level 11 and Im hoping to get them to level 20 before the end of this campaign so immortality is not the goal nor is insanity. Where this the final battle of the campaign I might do that.

I had completely forgotten about Mythic Flaws. And i'm liking those options. There are a few of those I am thinking about.

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