Customer support

Website Feedback

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How long does it take to get answer from CS? Waiting for several days and created a second ticket, but i'm not sure if my mail was even seen besides auto response about ticket creation

It may take a week or more to hear back. Usually you'll get a quicker response, but last week was GenCon, and a lot of staff were assigned to various GenCon duties. Many of them were actually on-site in Indianapolis as well.

Try not to create more than one ticket about a problem. When you do, it slows down responses, since staff have to collect all those tickets together to be sure they've dealt with all aspects of your problem.

If you haven't gotten any response beyond the auto-reply, be sure you include that case number in all subsequent emails. It will help staff retrieve and collate all your comments.

Generally, I'd wait at least two weeks before making a second attempt.

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

They do also have to prioritize the reported problems. I would assume that canceling a subscription or removing an item from an order that is about to be shipped would take priority over getting an order or subscription initiated, which in turn would take priority over a problem with completing a preorder for an item that is still a few months out from being released.

Ran into an issue where I can not make new threads, it just keeps previewing the thread, any way to fix this?

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