Can an eidolon aid their summoner?

Pathfinder Society


Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Or vice versa?

Every PFS and non-PFS GM I have played under has said yes, until last night.

Last night a PFS GM seemed to be under the impression that a character could not assist themselves. I argued that summoners and eidolons were separate creatures and that their working together was supported by abilities like Act Together and the ability to independently take Exploration Activities.

He agreed that they were distinct creatures, but held his ground that they were the same character, and that Aid had nothing to do with Exploration Activities. I was offered compromises, but nothing that would allow my eidolon to Aid my summoner or vice versa.

Though I'd like to know the answer of what is or isn't allowed for it's own sake, I am also particularly interested in knowing the answer in regards to PFS Skill Challenges as well.

Note: I originally asked this question in the Rules Forum here, but was encouraged to "take it up the PFS leadership ladder"--so now I'm here. I ask that you to check out some of the thoughts being bandied about in that thread before replying here.

Horizon Hunters 2/5 **** Venture-Agent, California—Silicon Valley

To sumarize my posts, yes unless you are doing a Victory Point challenge (or similar), per the clarifications for Secrets of Magic.

As I was pointing out, being able to aid yourself in a challenge is not intended, as the majority of them don't even allow aiding at all. There are some that do, but it is explicitly stated when they do.

Basically, if the challenge says "Each PC must make a check" then no aiding is allowed, as you are too busy making the check to be able to aid anyone else. They will typically state after that that a PC can instead Aid another, and usually lists the DC for that check or if they can use alternate skills.


Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Thank you, Cordell Kintner. I left some questions and a few rebuttals about that in the original thread.

Dark Archive 4/5 Venture-Captain, Online—VTT

The clarification on Eidolons in Society skill challenges says;

As a result, for Victory Point/success counting systems that allow each PC a limited number of chances to roll, either the summoner or the eidolon can attempt each check. The summoner's player chooses for each attempt which of the two rolls. Any direct consequences of failure apply to whichever creature rolled the check.

Typically they will say whether a player can give up their check to in turn use the Aid action for another players check, in such situations there would be no second check for the other partner (either summoner or eidolon) to 'give up' to Aid anyone, though you could certainly forgo making a check at all to Aid if that was allowed.

In situations beyond that where it's unclear whether outside aid is allowed or not it would be down to the table GMs understanding of the intent as to whether it was allowed for that game or not.

Liberty's Edge 3/5 5/5 **** Venture-Captain, Nebraska—Omaha

If a challenge point type encounter is being done, it is likely a no.

4/5 5/55/55/5 **** Venture-Lieutenant, Minnesota—Minneapolis

It will really depend on the wording of the scenario.

If it is one where in order for a character to Aid they must give up their ability to attempt a skill check, I would not allow the Eidolon to Aid the summoner. The challenge is made for one or the other to act, not both.

I believe there are scenarios that don’t forbid a player doing both an Aid and a skill check. Since I have a character with the Inspire Imitation Ancestry feat, I prefer when they don’t forbid the Aid and your own check.

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