Looking for GM Help. Skinsaw murders - with spoilers.

Rise of the Runelords

I'm a first time gm and my players are nearing the end of book 1.

Heading into book two, I'm playing with the idea of having two PC's being targeted by the skinsaw man.

One as an object of lust and one of wrath. Is there a clear reason that I should not do this?

For reference:

Two of the four party members died in the fight with Nualia and out of the two remaining PC's, one of them was his object of lust anyway. So my idea wis he wants to the pin the murders on one pc as an attempt to separate the other and make her his own.

I'm hoping some more experienced gm's can help guide me into making the right decisions here.

The right decision is what makes sense for you, won't screw up the later story, and what is more fun for everyone.

It's been a while since I read the AP and I'm AFB right now, but off hand I can't think of any reason you shouldn't. Pinning the deaths on the PC is a great way to get them more involved in the story.

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