Damage for Arc Strike Drone Mod from Interstellar Species

Rules Questions

Second Seekers (Jadnura)

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.
Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

The Arc Strike drone mod from Interstellar Species is listed as a basic mod, both on AoN and in IS. It states:
As a standard action, you create a devastating energy stream that arcs between your custom rig and your drone, creating a line effect; to use this ability, your custom rig must be in your possession and your drone must be within 30 feet of you. For each advanced drone mod your drone has, the arc deals 1d8 electricity damage to each creature in the line; affected creatures can attempt Reflex saving throws to halve the damage (DC = 10 + half your mechanic level + your Intelligence modifier). The damage increases by 1d8 at 4th level and every three levels thereafter. You can instead activate this ability as a full action to increase the damage dice to d10s.

It's the bold bit I'm questioning. Since this is a basic mod, you can take it at level 1; but since you can't take advanced drone mods until lvl 11, and you haven't yet hit the damage increase at level 4...does it do zero damage at levels 1 - 3? Or is the "advanced" bit in there a typo, and should read "basic"? Or should be just removed altogether and have the damage increase for any mod, regardless of basic/advanced? Or, is the "advanced" bit supposed to stay in there, and it's missing its base damage before lvl 4 and before advanced mods?

I'm guessing it's supposed to do a base 1d8 dmg, increasing as written at level 4+, and then increasing on top of that with each advanced drone mod. But clarification would be nice.

Don't most drones start with one Advanced Mod?
Artillery and scout doesn't. Hover has 2. Others have 1.

So your artillery and Scout wouldn't gain any damage until 4th level, Hover would be 2D8 at level 1-3 and all the others would be 1D8.

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