First pass overhaul of travel / hexploration / camping using Forbidden Lands as a Template

Kingmaker Second Edition

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My players and enjoy the hexploration options in different games but the Kingmaker ones are kinda clunky. Since we do play a lot of Forbidden Lands, which has excellent rules for such things I'm looking at using their Quarter Day framework to make managing the hexploration/camping rules a bit easier/funner/less time consuming.

Note that this does come with the caveat that during a Quarter Day a character is doing one thing. Obviously by most Exploration Activities etc. don't take that long but the goal is to get away from needing to keep meticulous notes of Player A spend 2 hours setting up the camp so Player B can treat wounds on 8 different characters etc. etc. Abstracting it out, at least on this first pass.

Forbidden Lands style camping/travel

The next step will be to change how meals work to make them more worth engaging in. My initial thought is that a success has the bonus last for one Quarter Day and a Critical Success lasts for two Quarter Days but I'm not married to that and I'd have to re-look at what the bonuses are.

This is excellent. Thank you for putting in the work with this!

This is slick! I'm just starting-up Kingmaker and this is a great tweak! It really adds some extra flavor, "gas" for the players to interact. Very nice, thank you!

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