The Frog Council Sits in Judgement!

Homebrew and House Rules

A fellow poster on made this when they were inspired by the Frog Council meme picture. Here it is. :)

THE FROG COUNCIL (Warlock Patron)
For whatever reason you've been interested in justice for the otherwise helpless all your life. Your adventures brought you to the attention of the Frog Council, a collection of mystical, froglike entities who sit in judgement of the immoral. Not that they have any official legal power in most places, nor do they give a darn. If you seem guilty of something in their eyes, you get judged. They have now empowered you as an agent of that justice, bent to enforcing their will. You bring evil-doers to their attention, and punish those they judge. In return, you get certain...abilities.

At 1st Level you choose from an expanded list of spells when you learn a Warlock spell. The following spells are added to the Warlock spell list for you.

Spell Level Spells
1st: Hunters Mark, Sanctuary
2nd: Detect Thoughts, Zone of Truth
3rd: Karmic Backlash*, Sending
4th: Locate Creature, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere
5th: Geas, Legend Lore

At 1st Level, you can magically tattoo a miscreant with your patented Mark of Justice! You can do this as a Bonus Action, and the target must be within 30 feet of you, and you must be able to see them. This Mark can only be gotten rid of by getting a favorable Judgement from the Frog Council, do a successful mission of atonement for them, or be the recipient of a Remove Curse, Dispel Evil or Good or Wish spell. Anyone can see the Mark, and they will know that the Frog Council considers them a potential bad guy. Other servants of the Frog Council can see a message of up to 10 words that you can decide to include as part of the design. You can Mark as many people as you want, and while they are marked you always know their location so long as they are within 1000 feet of you (this negates Invisibility or other Illusions that would conceal the target)). This increases t0 1 Mile at 5th Level, and at 10th Level you can sense them wherever they are, even if not on the same plane of existence. Note that the player should not mark anyone who has not committed a crime, or at least performed a very immoral act, because it risks angering his patron. The exact effects of that are up to the DM. If the PC thinks about marking the other players as a means of tracking them, keep in mind at some point the Council will judge them, and if they look at the PC and tell him "Sorry, your buddy has to go, you can do it or we can", then they mean that. Spells like Nondetection or Mind Blank will temporarily suppress the tracking effect.

At 1st Level, you can re-roll any failed Saving Throw once per short rest.

At 6th you can do extra damage against those you have Marked. Any time you damage a target that is Marked, (or by another creature with this subclass) you can do an additional 1d6 Frog Damage. Frog Damage is a sort of wet, flubbery damage that has no known ability to provide Resistance or Immunity to it. Additionally, all attacks you make use your Charisma instead of Strength or Dexterity, and are considered magical for purposes of overcoming damage resistance/immunity.

At 10th you gain abilities that assist in your mission of veng.. er, justice. If you successfully damage an opponent who is Marked (by you or anyone else), you may opt to forego the extra Frog damage to force it to make a Charisma Saving Throw or be Restrained for 1 Minute. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. Multiple successful damaging attacks or spells in one round do not stack the duration. You may use the Restrained ability a maximum of one time per target, per turn. For example if you cast Eldritch Blast at 11th Level, you can attack one target with three beams, or three targets with one beam each. If you opt to hit one target, you can potentially Restrain it for 1 round. If you opt to hit three Marked opponents, you can restrain all three of them 1 round.

At 14th Level, you can ask the Council to render a decision on a target you have Marked as an Action. You make a Charisma (Persuasion) Check, and if you make a DC of 15, you convince them of his guilt. From there on, he will be haunted by the Frog Council, and take 1d8 Frog damage ANY TIME they take damage (this stacks with Power of the Frog). Your target trips and falls? A frog dashes in from nowhere to drop the elbow. The party Monk Stuns the target? He takes a flying tongue to the eye. You give the target a blow to the knees? A hundred frogs pour from the bushes or drop from the sky and cooperate to suplex him. The Frog Council will inform the target of their Judgement, and how they may atone before they begin laying down the pain. This affect can only be gotten rid of by getting a favorable Judgement from the Frog Council, do a successful mission of atonement for them, or be the recipient of a Remove Curse, Dispel Evil or Good or Wish spell. The Frog Council will not intervene to to damage more often than a number of times per long rest equal to your Proficiency Bonus. This curse lasts after death as well. If the Council judges the target has not suffered sufficiently for his acts in life, his ghost will still take the extra Frog damage as little ghost frogs will yeet themselves at his face to unleash an unholy ribbit of painful justice.

Karmic Backlash
3rd Level Abjuration
Casting Time: 1 Reaction, which you take when you are hit by an attack
Range: Self (20 foot radius)
Components: V
Duration: 1 Minute
For the duration of the spell, any creature that successfully attacks you must make a Wisdom Save, or be Stunned 1 round.

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