Ports of Call, Garages and Mech Bays

General Discussion


Vehicles and mechs don't see a lot of use unless an adventure is made around them, such as Red Shift Rally or To Defy the Dragon. Ports of Call adds garages and mech bays as ship options.

1: Do you think this will help make using vehicles and mechs easier for normal adventures?

2: Would having a new starship map featuring a garage help?

3: Mech bays only fit in large or larger ships, so maybe a partial ship map showing the mech bay and loading ramp off the ship?

Having a garage might be good for a mechanic character. Working in a garage on a vechicle cuts prepare times in half. Mech bays do the same for mechs. An empty garage might make a good hang-out for large characters.

Unless they release some addons adapting existing APs and scenarios to use with these new systems, not very likely.

Vehicles is really up to the players, there are some small ones that can even be used in a dungeon, despite obvious difficulties.


I can't imagine Paizo updating old content for it, but it opens up more options for future content.

Dungeons are just like grocery stores. You have to park outside.

None of the existing APs necessitate the need for a vehicle or mech bay on a starship, but they're super helpful for homebrew games that want to include a mech or vehicle as a huge part of the narrative.

Because I'm a massive Mass Effect fan, the homebrew campaign I'm working on will likely include vehicle sections where the party can deploy a customized rover or similar vehicle to get around a map. In this situation, having a vehicle garage makes a ton of sense. Similiarly, if I was running a game where having a deployable mech was an option for certain situations, having the mech garage would make a ton of sense.

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