Astrology of Star Watcher

Pathfinder Society

The Concordance

Star Watcher wrote:
Astrology (Su):...A star watcher’s horoscope is always keyed to a specific creature that must be willing and present when the star watcher prepares the horoscope. Only the creature to which a horoscope is keyed can activate it and be affected by it...

I used to think, the Astrology has to keyed to a specific creature when character got Star Watcher level, and all horoscopes only affect one specific creature and can not change even in another adventure, which is not suit for PFS.

A friend in Forum told me, it not the Astrology keyed to a specific creature, but the horoscope, which means a Star Watcher can decide whom to "keyed" when he create it. So horoscopes can affect different creatures.

The following understanding is better, right?

Dark Archive 4/5 *** Venture-Lieutenant, Finland—Turku

Yes - horoscopes work like extracts, except that unlike extracts, horoscopes can only be used by the creature you created it for, chosen when you prepare it.

The Concordance


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