Brigh! What do we know about her?

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I'm playing a cleric of Brigh in an upcoming Kingmaker campaign, as a Fleshwarp with the Saved by Clockwork background. Aside from whats written about her in the Gods and Magic/Inner Sea Gods books, and the really good insight we get into her clergy and text in Outlaws of Alkenstar book 2, what else is there written about the Whisper in Bronze?

I admit I'm not as fully versed in the older 1e setting books, at least the obscure ones. Is there anything significant recorded beyond the above? If not, any input or ideas on how to play a fledgeling Brighite?

The Lords of Rust has a write-up on her.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
SOLDIER-1st wrote:
The Lords of Rust has a write-up on her.

Oh! Awesome, thank you! I never thought to look in Numeria for her.

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Virellius wrote:
SOLDIER-1st wrote:
The Lords of Rust has a write-up on her.
Oh! Awesome, thank you! I never thought to look in Numeria for her.

She’s actually quite prominent there! Iron Gods recommends her as a deity for PCs.

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