How do Vortex Dragons get between systems?

Rules Questions

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I guess this is more of a setting question than a strict rules question, but it's weird that (Archives of Nethys link) Vortex Dragons, described as emissaries, can't get between systems on their own. So how do they access the Drift? The Plane Shift spell specifically can't access the Drift, and it seems like a waste to build an entire starship for a creature that only needs the Drift engine. Is there some kind of augmentation or magic item for this? Or do they land on a highly modified ship that's basically just a Drift engine with a frame, like a Battletech jumpship or that hyperspace-ring-thing from Star Wars Episode II?

Spaceflight (Su)
Source Alien Archive 4 pg. 155, Alien Archive 2 pg. 152, Alien Archive 3 pg. 153
The creature can fly through space at standard navigation and astrogation speeds using Piloting to navigate. If it uses a skill other than Piloting for skill checks to astrogate, that skill is listed in parentheses.

Format: Other Abilities spaceflight (Mysticism).
Guidelines: Most creatures with spaceflight also have void adaptation.

That seems to imply its taking the slow way. 5 years to alpha centuri seems like a long time but hey.. dragon

“They say Magellan was a great navigator and explorer, but he didn’t even have GPS or a diesel engine, pls explain.”

If necessary, you can grandfather in the rate of starflight from PF1e
"Travel times vary, but a trip within a single solar system should take 3d20 hours, and a trip beyond should take 3d20 days or more if the dragon knows the way to its destination."

Yeah, don't forget that the Drift *isn't* the only form of FTL available.

The dragon just flies through a star, thereby increasing its speed and giving it invulnerability. Watch for it to be flashing and for there to be exciting music, because during this time it cannot be defeated.

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