What do you want in Tian Xia?

Pathfinder Second Edition General Discussion

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Because they asked to keep the product thread clean.

Title. Speculate and hope.

One particular thing I'd like to see is a feat for monks to use advanced monk weapons.

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I'm mostly fiending for info on the south: Dtang Ma, Nagajor, Dtang Ma, Valashmai, and Pan Majang beneath it all. More than anywhere else on the continent, it feels like you can do classic fantasy adventures (ancient dragons, underground dungeons, jungle ruins) but through a super unique lens.

Mechanically, I'm quite pleased to get Samsarans back. I'm a child of D&D 4e and the Devas in that were one of my favs, so having most of the concept back is lovely.

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Artworks for every Tian Xian deity, and their relationships with the Inner Seas Pantheon

I mean, some of the current deities are worshipped in Tian Xia, but... we have no clue if Tian Xian deities are worshipped in the Inner Seas.

Also, are there camaraderies or rivalries between the two Pantheons? You would expect every Golarion deity to know each other at least :P

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I've been saying for a while I actually really like the idea of archetype support for Iado-- like draw-slashing as a play-style. I also think a Ninja archetype or rogue racket that provides access to focus magic inspired by various depictions of Ninjutsu in Anime would be ideal, we're high fantasy enough in PF that I don't think historicity is really a concern, so I'd expect to see Ninja powers like you'd see in FFXIV or something.

Beyond that I want to see some stuff that isn't of Japanese, or even Chinese origin, but we have fewer examples of those showing up in games and such for me to know what to even ask for beyond hoping there are player options inspired by each of the other cultures represented in Tian Xia, ideally a mixture of the other three ancestries, heritages, class paths, spells and other archetype support.

A decent-sized bestiary with critters inspired/from Asian mythology. I expect some Yokai, but it would be nice to some stuff pulled from China, South Asia, Tibet, etc. Sort of feels like the Philippines and Japan get the most attention in that regard online, as they seem to have pretty rich folklore full of monsters detailed online.

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber


LegalKimchi has some great ideas based on Korean history

I would love to see a way to play both a 'historical ninja' with little to no real supernatural powers (presumably using Rogue?), and a gonzo mudra-throwing, flying, teleporting, self-duplicating magical shadow assassin ninja both. (I would also say 'classic ninja' with moderate magic powers but that's basically Shadowdancer so I feel like provided the options above you can probably handle a middle ground).

I feel like most of what I know I want is already in the game, including a collection of monsters based on youkai and some kami (though I'd love a few more humanoid oni, namely the yamabushi and nogitsune), so what I'm interested in next are the things I didn't know I needed. Feats that introduce traditional Tian philosophy and understanding of magic based in Mongolian folklore and the like. New ways of interpreting the Lost Omens multiverse from a Tian perspective.

Oh, and it's unlikely but if there's anything from the anime Mushishi that can fit in there, I'll probably swallow it up... and then probably regret it when it causes me to be reborn as my own child, or causes me to hear sunshine and see the organic rust which causes limbs to stiffen as if with age.


Ashbourne wrote:
LegalKimchi has some great ideas based on Korean history

Btw I've been enjoying this channel since I saw it linked in the middle of the thread from which this one spiralled off. Well thought out and carefully reasoned analysis of tabletop gaming stuff. My favourite so far has been the History of Leather Armour in D&D. Appreciate the link.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Someone else had posted that link a few days ago. By now, I have binged watched all but one of his videos. The quality and messages of his videos really deserve more subscribers.

Speaking of the history of leather armor. The whole issue of studded leather is really brigandine has some cultural significance to the Tian Xian region. Unlike some European armor, brigandine-like armor has many cultural variations.

Indian "coat of ten thousand nails"
Chinese bumianjia
Russian kuyak (derivative from the Mongol huyag)
Japanese kikko armour
Korean Dujeong-gap

Brigandine is basically rectangular plate scale mail turned inside out. The big advantage is that you can't slide a blade under the scales to avoid the armor. So not only is brigandine not studded leather, it's way more protective. Altho leather was used sometimes, cloth was far more common.

More gadget's and inventor feats

I'm be desiring this for every book until it happens

Playable locathah!

Samsarans and Wayangs as ancestries. I just think they're neat and I feel like you could do a lot for characters with them.

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Having practiced origami for nearly a half-century, I'd love to see an archetype that utilizes magic through paper folding.

PF1 had a few origami options, like the Kami Medium's Shikigami ability, the Origami Swarm magic item, and the Tome of Origami Animals magic item.

I think an archetype that provided similar options along with other paper-related abilities would be a lot of fun.

Some kind of Iaido archetype would be cool. I don't think it supports a whole class but it's an iconic thing in media.

Ninjas are an interesting bit. A more dedicated archetype might be neat, though I think Monk already provides a lot of the typical implausible movement type stuff, so I'm not sure how I'd implement them? Monk feats to support it better (Remove the feat tax on the shuriken stance, seriously) maybe?

I'm wondering if we can get support for kami worship for Clerics and such - possibly similar to pantheons somehow but since that's a more animist tradition I feel like we should be able to have clerics drawing their power from the spirits as a whole rather than specific deities?

just hope for writer actually know what they are doing

writer of fist of ruby phoenix does seem like they know a lot about japan culture

never expect hyakkiyakou and seiya soiya end up in ap

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Ok here is a wild card.

An alchemical food item based off of Moon Cakes. I woulf love to see other alchemical food items as well, but that one especially interests me.

25speedforseaweedleshy wrote:

just hope for writer actually know what they are doing

writer of fist of ruby phoenix does seem like they know a lot about japan culture

never expect hyakkiyakou and seiya soiya end up in ap

James Case who wrote King of the Mountain is indeed listed in the writers' credit for the upcoming Tian Xia books.

Dubious Scholar wrote:
Ninjas are an interesting bit. A more dedicated archetype might be neat, though I think Monk already provides a lot of the typical implausible movement type stuff, so I'm not sure how I'd implement them? Monk feats to support it better (Remove the feat tax on the shuriken stance, seriously) maybe?

When I think ninja, I want monk abilities with sneak attack. The problem with using multiclass to achieve this is the multiclass rogue's sneak attack is really weak and the multiclass monk selects from abilities at lvl/2. Something that can harmonize these better I think would be ideal.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I want something original and not stereotyped. But that still feels very Asian.

Essentially I want something like what we got in Guild Wars 1 and 2.

Give me unique, original Golarian cultures. Do NOT give me copies of Japan, China, and Korea.

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arcady wrote:

I want something original and not stereotyped. But that still feels very Asian.

Essentially I want something like what we got in Guild Wars 1 and 2.

Give me unique, original Golarian cultures. Do NOT give me copies of Japan, China, and Korea.

Guild Wars: Factions (and the Fantasy African setting of Guild Wars: Nightfall) both soured me on traditional, faux-European fantasy forever when I played them young. The mutant-haunted sprawls of Kaineng City, the petrified Echovald Forest, the sold Jade Sea with leviathans frozen in its jeweled depths... genuinely some of the coolest stuff I've ever seen. I loved earning We no Su from the zodiac animals!

GW2 didn't measure up, IMO, but I might just be old.

That said, Golarion's always been a mix of the obvious homage living happily alongside the genre pastiche. In the same way that Galt is French Revolution Land (or was, until recently) while Numeria is a sword-and-planet theme park relatively nearby, we'll have both the unique fantasy (flooded, kraken-ruled Xidao) bordering some familiar faces (Minkai is probably remaining pretty Japanese).

The stuff that straddles both is probably my favorite: Xa Hoi has a lot of Vietnamese inspiration, but is also a nation defined by 3,000 of open rule by sovereign dragons.

Sovereign Court

I would love to see in-depth background of Minkai and Shokuro.

Umm... Fanfic teller in Minkai background?

(I'm the one who said Minkai green tea)

Dubious Scholar wrote:
Ninjas are an interesting bit. A more dedicated archetype might be neat, though I think Monk already provides a lot of the typical implausible movement type stuff, so I'm not sure how I'd implement them?

a Ninja archetype with a good stance or two and focus Ki spells(primal or occult). The archetype requires being trained in Stealth & Deception. Level 2 Dedication feat makes you an expert in Stealth or Deception. Has the Shooting Stars Stance, Underhanded Assault, and Light Step feats.

I would love to see lore, but lore that we would not expect. What's a region known for in it's local produce, where to find the best bowl of noodle/curry/rice/kimchi/what ever else is going. Were is the safest place to sleep, who do I NEED to know.

We tend to get Monk styles pretty regularly so I would definitely expect to see a few more in this book. Maybe it'd be a good place for the return of the Master of Many Styles? Not as a high level feat that you're never gonna have a good reason to take, but as a class archetype that changes the way the Monk plays to encourage bouncing between different style feats to perform your routine.

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I'd like to see some recipes.

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