Took the Old Boat Out on Lake Encarthan for some Fishing -- Went Scuba Diving Instead

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

Grand Lodge

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A month ago I was working on the depth of The Inner Sea (I'm still hoping for additional opinions), and now I need the same for Lake Encarthan and The Lake of Mists and Veils.

Is the average depth and deepest trench mentioned anywhere in canon for Lake Encarthan or The Lake of Mists and Veils?

Later I'll go through my old GH and FR stuff to see about Nyr Dyv and The Sea of Fallen Stars (I've always imagined Nyr Dyv to be like Lake Baikal but deeper.) but in the meantime, here's what I got from a brief look at Google, for a reference:

The Caspian Sea (This looks great for Encarthan IF there's no published canon.)
The north part of the Caspian is on average only about 15-20 feet deep (more like how the Aral Sea was when I was a kid). The middle part of the Caspian averages about 625 feet deep. And the southern Caspian goes to 3,300 feet deep.

Lake Baikal is 5,380 feet deep, deeper than the average of the Mediterranean Sea and Gulf of Mexico. (I remember learning as a kid that Baikal held 20% of planet earth's fresh water.)

Our Great Lakes in the US are as follows:
Superior: avg. 480 ; nadir about 1330
Michigan: avg. 280 ; nadir about 925
Ontario: avg. 285 ; nadir about 800
Huron: avg. 200 ; nadir about 750
Erie: avg. 60 ; nadir about 210

In Africa, Lake Victoria averages about 130 feet deep and its deepest is about 275 feet in depth.

What are y'all's opinions and thoughts on various massive bodies of water in The Inner Sea region? (again, if there's no canon)

The Lake of Mists and Veils just got an article in Gatewalkers #2. Maybe look at that?

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According to Carrion Crown book 4, Wake of the Watcher, the depth of lake Encarthan only 5 miles from the shore is 400 feet deep. I don't know if there's any other sources that discuss it, but Rule of Fear (the ustalav sourcebook) doesn't have any.

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Grankless wrote:
According to Carrion Crown book 4, Wake of the Watcher, the depth of lake Encarthan only 5 miles from the shore is 400 feet deep. I don't know if there's any other sources that discuss it, but Rule of Fear (the ustalav sourcebook) doesn't have any.

It may be noted, this is specifically within the Avalon Bay portion of the Encarthan.

Grand Lodge

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Avalon Bay = 400' depth.

That is an excellent find -- thanks!

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