PF2e - Menace under Otari - Beginner's Box


Who: Looking for 2 or 3 more PCs
What: Menace Under Otari from the PF2e Beginner's Box
When: Tuesdays @ 8pm PST, ~3 hours of gaming, 3-4 sessions
Where: Discord and Foundry VTT

This campaign is designed for new players hoping to get their feet wet with Pathfinder 2nd Edition, but everyone is welcome. PCs will roll up a level 1 character and we'll go from there. I'm a new GM myself and I'm going to running this with the intent of taking the group further. After we complete Menace, we'll go through Trouble in Otari, and lastly Abomination Vaults.

We are literally starting fresh - a new server, a new discord, and eager minds willing to learn. I'm soaking up as much PF2e info as I can, but if a PC or two can help with mentoring that would be most welcome. I don't mind learning solo as I go as long as we're all having fun. My background: Since 1995, I've been a PC for a homebrew TTRPG that was awesome but never got through development hell (despite completing 6-7 campaigns that lasted years) and recently, a D&D PC for 3 years. Now I'm wading into GM waters.

House rules will be in effect to prevent toxicity and keep the game hospitable for all, but won't stimy legendary heroic deeds of awesomeness and creating a bad@ss story for all.

If you're interested and that day/time works for you please reply. If you have any questions, by all means ask away.


Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, LO Special Edition, PF Special Edition Subscriber

I am willing to give it a go. Tuesdays at 8PM pst do work for me as that is 7pm my time. I haven't really done much with Pathfinder 2e, but I recently got the base pdfs on humble bundle and have been looking through them.

My gaming history, I cut my teeth on 1st ed Ad&D Was involved in a long running 2nd edition towards the end of that run. Though anything after second has just been a smattering of 3rd ed, pathfinder 1e and d&dth.

Outside of the D&D\pathfinder umbrella, I've got experience playing, gaming, or both several other systems. Savage worlds, Iron kingdoms RPG, 1st edition seventh sea, FFG star wars and most recently some online WOD.

If you are willing to put up with someone very new to TTRPG in general I'm interested. The day and time work fine for me right now, I'm pretty much a night owl.

I only have about 5 months of experience with D&D 5E and that is all. Also, in the interest of full disclosure, I should warn you that I have a neurological disorder and so can sometimes be slow figuring out what I want to do in game.

I understand if any of this is an issue for you, and I will not take offense if you decide against accepting me. That being said, I hope to hear from you soon.


Hey guys! Sweet, thanks for your interest - I'll send you the details in a PM shortly.

Hey Thakk, is there still a slot available or have you all progressed too far already? I’d be very interested in playing these with you all if you still have a spot open. I have been a forever em in the 5e system for about 6 years and am looking to cut my teeth on a new system for the first time. Especially one that is so incredibly immersive as pathfinder seems to be.

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