Pathfinder 2e Kingdom Building Rules Major Problem 4: Kingdom XP

Kingmaker Second Edition

Sovereign Court

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Problem Analysis #4:

It's clear that the intent is for the Kingdom's level to be at most 1-2 levels behind the party. RAW, Kingdom XP is awarded so slowly that it will take multiple years for the Kingdom to level even at the earliest levels. While a lot of downtime can pass in game, the party is unlikely to wait years for the kingdom level to catch up. This is also an issue mechanically as the Kingdom Size modifiers to Control DC will come into play before the Kingdom's Status and Item bonuses can go beyond +1 to balance out the increased control DC. A group using automatic or milestone leveling for the Kingdom can ignore this and that’s the only reason this isn’t ranked as Major Problem #1. It’s a major problem for any group that wants to actually track Kingdom XP and use the system.

Sovereign Court

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Solution 1: More Milestones:

Kingmaker includes some Milestones already and they’re a great way to help a Kingdom catch up to the party’s level. We’ve introduced a lot more milestones that come in two flavors. We’ve added a bunch that represent significant achievements for the Kingdom, similar to the existing Milestones. We’ve also added some that help encourage players to try out the various different Kingdom Skill Activities and learn the Kingdom rules better.

20 Build Roads for the first time
20 Celebrate your first successful Holiday
20 Claim your first new Hex (2nd hex overall)
20 Complete your First successful Infiltration
20 Create your first Masterpiece
20 Establish your first Farmland
20 Establish your first Lumber Camp
20 Establish your first Mine
20 Establish your first Quarry
20 Fortify your first hex
20 Successfully use your first Creative Solution
20 Successfully use your first Supernatural Solution
40 Build your first Structure requiring Expert in a Kingdom Skill
40 Build your first Famous/Infamous Structure
40 Build your first seat of government (Town Hall, Castle, or Palace)
40 Claim your first Landmark hex
40 Claim your first Refuge hex
40 Establish your first Village
40 Establish your second Village
40 Reach Kingdom Size 10
40 Recruit your first regular Army
40 Successfully resolve a random Kingdom Event
60 All eight leadership roles are assigned
60 Build your first Structure requiring Master in a Kingdom Skill
60 Establish Diplomatic Relations for the first time
60 Expand a Village into your first Town
60 Reach Kingdom size 25
60 Recruit your first Specialized Army
60 Win your first War Encounter
80 Achieve your first successful Pledge of Fealty
80 Establish your first Trade Agreement
80 Expand a town into your first City
80 Reach Kingdom size 50
80 Spend 100 RP during a Kingdom turn
120 Expand a city into your first Metropolis
120 Reach Kingdom size 100

Sovereign Court

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Solution 2: Increased XP from Claiming Hexes:

RAW, each claimed hex awards 10 Kingdom XP. Increasing the awarded amount allows a Kingdom to grow faster. The chart we settled on ties XP per Hex to Kingdom Size, on the grounds that a newly claimed hex matters more for a smaller Kingdom than a larger one. This also allows a newly founded Kingdom to quickly catch up to the party's level.

Size 1-9: 100 XP per Hex claimed
Size 10-24: 50 XP per Hex claimed
Size 25-49: 25 XP per Hex claimed
Size 50-99: 10 XP per Hex claimed
Size 100+: 5 XP per Hex claimed

Sovereign Court

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Solution 3: Increased RP to XP Conversion:

RAW, leftover RP at the end of the turn converts RP to XP at 1 for 1 with a max of 120. Increasing this ratio allows a Kingdom to level up faster. Since having 12 RP is almost inconsequential for a high level Kingdom, we decided to make the ratio decrease as the Kingdom levels. This way the Kingdom will need to put more planning into how it spends RP if it wants to get maximum XP each turn.

RP to XP Conversion ratio
Kingdom Level: RP to XP Conversion:
Level: 1-4 XP: 10
Level: 5-8 XP: 7
Level 9-12 XP: 5
Level: 13-16 XP: 2
Level: 17+ XP: 1

Sovereign Court

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Solution 4: Adjusted Kingdom XP rewards:

RAW, Random Kingdom Events award a flat amount of XP. Instead of a flat amount, award XP for random Kingdom events based on the event level and the Pathfinder 2e XP rewards by level chart (Table 10-2, page 489 CRB). James Jacobs has even stated on the Paizo boards that he wishes he had done it this way.

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