Unicore |
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I was a player in a campaign that got 2/3rds the way through this book, but then we TPK’d at a point where it just didn’t feel like it made any sense for the story to continue.
We had a lot of fun with the first 2 books and there were great story themes in the third book, but it was really annoying that the whole campaign was built up around “play with guns, magic bad” and then the last book is essentially : Magic is essential, guns will be nearly useless in many important encounters. Like there should have been tons of enemies with weakness to either bludgeoning or piercing, not resistance to physical as a whole. Also, the time crunches in book 3 are pretty heavy in relationship to the difficulty of the encounters.

thewastedwalrus |

My gang of outlaws proposed using the Maw with its enormous range to take out the Gearsmoke and prevent the pyronite bombs from ever reaching the falls. Certainly not minimizing collateral damage for the many folks on the boat, and aiming/firing the cannon at that distance accurately would be tricky, but it might save Alkenstar/the falls with some dubiousness from the unknown boat teleport ritual.
I had Dunsmith convince them to follow the infiltration scheme as written, but it was an interesting, if callous, idea. One big aspect against would be that destroying the vessel could play into Loveless's ambition to militarize Alkenstar and provoke tensions with Nex by sinking a "Nexian" vessel with many citizens aboard.