Student of Perfection archetype

Rules Discussion

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

The archetype dedication gives trained in either Acrobatics or Athletics, plus trained in Warfare Lore. It also says that "if you were already trained, you become an expert instead." My question is, if you are already trained in all three of these skills, do you get to bump both Acrobatics and Warfare Lore, or Athletics and Warfare Lore to expert, or is it only one of these?

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

It's only one of Athletics or Acrobatics going to Expert, just like it would have been only one of them going to Trained if they weren't already.

If you were not trained in Acrobatics, Athletics, or Warfare Lore when taking the archetype, then you would become trained in Warfare Lore plus the chosen skill (either Acrobatics or Athletics).

The question is about becoming Expert in Warfare Lore as well as your chosen skill.

So, to recast the question
If you are already trained in Acrobatics and Athletics and Warfare Lore when you take the archetype, which of the following is the result of taking that archetype, assuming that you chose Acrobatics as the skill associated with the archetype:

a) Expert in Warfare Lore + Expert in Acrobatics
b) Expert in Warfare Lore + Trained in Acrobatics
c) Trained in Warfare Lore + Expert in Acrobatics

Grand Lodge

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This is a rules questions, so I have flagged it to be moved to the rules forum, where more rules oriented people will weigh in.

My take is that it would be Case A.

Full text available on the archives of nethys

You pick the skill. Then you become trained in that skill and warfare lore, becoming expert instead if already trained (for both).
More simply increase your proficiency in both the chosen skill and warfare lore.

I would also rule that if you are untrained in the chosen skill, but trained in warfare lore, you would become trained in the chosen skill and become an expert in warfare lore.

You become trained in your choice of Acrobatics or Athletics and Warfare Lore;

Pick one - Acrobatics, or Athletics.

You become trained in that skill.
You also become trained in Warfare Lore. (because it is somewhat silly to make the choice be between Acrobatics -or- the combination of Athletics and Warfare Lore. Though it could be read that way.)

if you were already trained, you become an expert instead.

If your choice of Acrobatics or Athletics is already at trained level, then it gets boosted to expert level instead.

I see it as the same with Warfare Lore since it doesn't specify that the boost to expert only applies to the non-Lore skills.
I also don't think you have to choose the untrained skill if you are only trained in one of Acrobatics or Athletics.
But you only get one of those two skills boosted.

If I am reading correctly, that would be option B in the example given. Nope. Not reading the example correctly. That would be option A.
Though you could still get that result even if you weren't trained in Athletics. You don't have to choose Athletics as your skill just because you are trained in Acrobatics.

Note that this is different than Rogue Archetype Dedication and the choice of Stealth and Thievery. In the Rogue dedication feat it specifies that you can only choose something else if you are already trained in both of those skills. If you are untrained in one of them then you have to choose the one that you are untrained in.

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