Interest check: Delving into OSR with classic / older D&D Modules


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Hey everyone,

I have this idea running around in my head for some time now, so I intend to move forward with it in 2023.

The plan is to find an OSR system (or a mix of them) which can be easily used to run old D&D modules, for a couple of reasons:

- I realize when you revisit things you are nostalgic about, sometimes they reveal themselves as a disappointment, and I am sure some of these modules might not have weathered the test of time in the best of ways, but I still want to play them. There are a lot of 'iconic' adventures I never put my hands on as a player or DM, so I would like to revisit them;
- However I do have a busy life, so the project of 'converting' said modules into a system I am more familiar with (like PF1e) is just too big in scope for me to realistically handle. Thus my search for a system which will fit nicely with the oldies, and not force me to do too much customization as far as mechanics and rules go;
- I have pondered just using the original system (that would most likely mean OD&D and AD&D) and run with it, but the truth of the matter is those old classic rulebooks, as much as I respect them, harken from a different age, and their structure, language and presentation of the rules is not always the easiest to follow. Thus I have began looking into OSR Systems;
- And that is when I discovered there are a LOT of them out there!

After some investigation, I cannot say I have been particularly efficient in narrowing them down, but I think the gist of it comes down to what kind of OSR ruleset I want to use, and I 'think' I have settled on a retroclone. Since I want to start simple, I am inclined to go ahead with using one of Swords & Wizardry, OSE Essentials, or Basic Fantasy RPG. (for the sake of reference, other systems I have looked into have been Castles&Crusades, Five Torches Deep, White Hack, Black Hack, Astonishing Swordsmen and Sorcerers of Hyperborea, etc.)

Some of the 'reasoning' on what I am looking for:

- Should fit (almost) seamlessly with OD&D and AD&D;
- Needs to be 'simple'. I am planning on running the whole thing via PbP, and I would also like to find a system which helps expedite things like exploration and combat;
- Character creation should be straightforward;
- Players joining should be able to be 'play-ready' without too much reading being required;
- It is hopefully something I can readily/quickly assimilate as a DM;
- I understand a lot of the OSR logic is to houserule and make the game your own, but for now I am looking for a system which can stand on its own legs. So it needs to have a balance between DM adjudication and rules framework so that we are not paralyzed at each junction of the game, endlessly debating rulings;
- Cannot cost an arm and a leg :P
- Last, but definitely not the least, it needs to strike a chord between 'simple' classes, but which however have 'interesting' features (I accept this one might be a doozy, and not accomplishable - I accept that :D);

So that is the pitch - would there be interest out there in delving into such an endeavor? Playing older D&D modules while we experiment with an OSR ruleset? I will emphasize the 'experiment' side of things, since it may take some time to find something which appeals and works well for all, and we may never reach that goal ;)

Let me know your thoughts!

I'll just offer some resources

I have a lot of Castles and Crusades stuff if you want to look at pdfs of that -- the Siege mechanic hugely simplifies resolutions tasks and some of the classes have interesting tid bits. It's not a hugely popular OSR variant as far as a I know (and I think in many quarters it's not even considered OSR really, and historically it predated the development of that scene).

I also own hard copies of almost the entire main line for 2e, as well as a lot of adventures and supplements for Dark Sun, Al-Qadim, FR, and Mystara, if you have question about some part of that system.

Basic Fantasy has everything free online. OSRIC was another popular early OSR system that sort of fell out of favor that I think cleaves more closely to 2e, as does 'For Gold and Glory'.

Are you trying to do something more similar to 2e or 1e. Late 2e/2.5, like the Players Option stuff, had a lot of customization, but also was sort of the transition stage between 2e and 3e, and might be too fiddly. There's also Hackmaster -- both the silly edition they made to take advantage of the licensing they got from WoTC using KotD comics without permission, and the follow up edition which is more serious. I think the former is sort of like 2e with a lot of additional Rolemaster like tables.

I might be interested depending on what exactly you settle on -- I played a LOT of 2e and have fond memories of that system. I'd be more interested in exploring something that has, like you say, interesting class features of some sort. I like White Hack's concept of casting spells with hp. I'd be interested in a system with some kind of assassin class.

I might be interested depending on what modules you are running.

If it were B4 the Lost City, B10 Night's Dark Terror, or X2 Castle Amber, I would definitely be in. Others I might consider.

As to rules systems, the closer to B/X in feel the better IMO.

@Sebecloki: Thanks a lot for the info!

Sebecloki wrote:
Are you trying to do something more similar to 2e or 1e.

1e for starters.

Sebecloki wrote:
Late 2e/2.5, like the Players Option stuff, had a lot of customization, but also was sort of the transition stage between 2e and 3e, and might be too fiddly.

Funny you should mention that :D

I have those books sitting right behind me, and was going through them just the other day - we used them in my gaming group at the time, but I don't think we ever really gave it the due consideration they deserve. They are in the list of things to be revisited. It is a VERY long list.

Sebecloki wrote:
I might be interested depending on what exactly you settle on...

Understood. I have not reached any decision yet (that is also why this Interest Thread exists), but I was checking a video about Basic Fantasy RPG during lunch, and I liked what I heard. And the fact all stuff is basically free is something one cannot simply ignore.

Sebecloki wrote:
I'd be more interested in exploring something that has, like you say, interesting class features of some sort.

I don't want to overcomplicate from the get go. I find it is easier to start things simple, as in it is a more 'attainable' objective, than building on megalomaniac ideas that never gain traction. But I perfectly understand where you are coming from - I have heard very good things about stuff like the Archetypes used in 'Five Torches Deep', or the class abilities in 'Astonishing Swordsmen and Sorcerers of Hyperborea'. But... Baby steps ;)

Aldizog wrote:

I might be interested depending on what modules you are running.

If it were B4 the Lost City, B10 Night's Dark Terror, or X2 Castle Amber, I would definitely be in. Others I might consider.

As to rules systems, the closer to B/X in feel the better IMO.

There are just so many to choose from - to give you an idea, at the moment I am reading through 'A0 - Danger at Darkshelf Quarry'. Yep, I know it is not a true 'golden oldie', but you can probably see where it can go from there ;)

Would that mean the possibility of moving on through the A-series of adventures? The Slave Lords bring back both good and frustrating memories from way back in my high school days. The best kind.

I would likely be interested in this endeavor depending on the system and adventure you pick. It's an intriguing idea, at the very least.

So, I guess, the first question that comes to mind is how learning a new OSR system and converting an old module to it (and finding players who know or can learn the system) is less work than converting an old module to a system you already know, like PF1, or even just core-only PF1?

I have experience with Castle and Crusades, and the lack of interesting mechanics after the first few levels for certain classes is definitely something my group encountered. And I imagine that this will be amplified considering the slower pace PbP moves at.

Flanderdash wrote:
Would that mean the possibility of moving on through the A-series of adventures? The Slave Lords bring back both good and frustrating memories from way back in my high school days. The best kind.

If we find the right tools, the world is our oyster ;)

Andostre wrote:
So, I guess, the first question that comes to mind is how learning a new OSR system and converting an old module to it (and finding players who know or can learn the system) is less work than converting an old module to a system you already know, like PF1, or even just core-only PF1?

The expectation is to find a 'simple' OSR system (I guess all are much simpler than PF1e, even Core only) so that the required learning is the minimum possible. At the same time, a second requisite is that it requires the least possible amount of conversion of the adventures. Or at least that is the plan.

But I perfectly understand what you are saying about PF1e Core only - I have megalomaniac plans for it = running 3.0/3.5 adventures. But we are sill in OD&D + AD&D for now :D

As for the lack of interesting mechanics, that is something I hope to delve into as things progress. But first, 'things' need to become a reality ;)

Albion, The Eye wrote:

But I perfectly understand what you are saying about PF1e Core only - I have megalomaniac plans for it = running 3.0/3.5 adventures. But we are still in OD&D + AD&D for now :D

Certainly, if nothing else, converting 3.5 adventures to PF1 isn't that big of a hurdle. Just a little time consuming. In any, is that a tease for future games?

I’m in. I know there are lots of options out there, but my preference would be for OSE with possibly their advanced options as their ruleset is easy to find and use as either an SRD or a PDF and they are free.

OSE’s Advanced Fantasy: Characters offers:

Advanced Fantasy: Characters wrote:

9 human classes: acrobat, assassin, barbarian, bard, druid, illusionist, knight, paladin, ranger.
6 demihuman race-classes: drow, duergar, gnome, half-elf, half-orc, svirfneblin.
Optional rules for creating characters by choosing race and class separately.

It costs $7.50 ish depending on your currency. Which is a thing.

I’d be the first to lament OSR’s lack of customization for characters and a sadness to leave PF1 behind. I don’t feel that PF1 has the problems many others find with bloat and creep and ploop and bleat or whatever, but do see that not every system fits every campaign.

I found AdnD 2e too fiddly as Sebecloki says. And the OSR stuff seems wholistic, simply and elegantly presented, well supported and with continuing releases of content - adventures, rules and campaign settings. And with great art that is evocative of the days of yore!

I’m down with any OSR game.

Of the systems I’ve played swords & wizardry probably transfers more seamlessly to b/x dnd but is a little bland. OSE is also an easy transition with the benefit of being able to play some 5e stuff with some work. OSE also has an srd and the basic rules are free plus they have some advanced class options. Five torches deep has the ability to used with b/x dnd as well as 5e (with some work). FTD uses some 5e mechanics like advantage/disadvantage.

FTD is my favorite but OSE might be an easier transition.

If you have any questions let me know.

Edit: Ninja’d a bit by OSW

Flanderdash wrote:
Albion, The Eye wrote:

But I perfectly understand what you are saying about PF1e Core only - I have megalomaniac plans for it = running 3.0/3.5 adventures. But we are still in OD&D + AD&D for now :D

Certainly, if nothing else, converting 3.5 adventures to PF1 isn't that big of a hurdle. Just a little time consuming. In any, is that a tease for future games?

Sigh. So this is my wrench - I have loved PF1 all the time I have played it. It’s ruleset is so ingrained in my brain it makes learning PF2e difficult, more difficult than if I had come to PF2 new. I have to unlearn. Which sucks. But if you want a ruleset that is completely available for free across multiple options of SRD with a gazillion options you can lock off or make available (Unchained’s action economy for example) it would be hard yo go past PF1. But as I said to Albion in PMs a few times, I’m not sure I can go back anymore. But if I can go back all the way to a decades old system for simplicity, maaaaybe with the right campaign and enough time passed, I could go back to PF1 for…comfort.

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Albion, as you say, this is a lot of work

Albion, The Eye wrote:


- However I do have a busy life, so the project of 'converting' said modules into a system I am more familiar with (like PF1e) is just too big in scope for me to realistically handle.

But why work when someone else already has? If you poke around the internet (the paizo forums or EN world, for example), a lot of the older classic modules have already been converted to at least 3.5, and often PF1.

Just looked at Basic Fantasy RPG that would work too but is a little bland like swords & wizardry.

My vote is still OSE.

Good to see we are getting some traction.

Flanderdash wrote:
Albion, The Eye wrote:
But I perfectly understand what you are saying about PF1e Core only - I have megalomaniac plans for it = running 3.0/3.5 adventures. But we are still in OD&D + AD&D for now :D
Certainly, if nothing else, converting 3.5 adventures to PF1 isn't that big of a hurdle. Just a little time consuming. In any, is that a tease for future games?

I would do it all if I could - not sure if there is enough time in the world for it though ;)

pad300 wrote:

Albion, as you say, this is a lot of work

Albion, The Eye wrote:


- However I do have a busy life, so the project of 'converting' said modules into a system I am more familiar with (like PF1e) is just too big in scope for me to realistically handle.
But why work when someone else already has? If you poke around the internet (the paizo forums or EN world, for example), a lot of the older classic modules have already been converted to at least 3.5, and often PF1.

It is not only the work pad300 - it is also my wish to give OSR a whirl, and look at something different from the ‘full monty’ of PF1e. I do have plans for 3.0 and 3.5 into PF in the future, but first things first.

Oceanshieldwolf wrote:
I’m in. I know there are lots of options out there, but my preference would be for OSE with possibly their advanced options as their ruleset is easy to find and use as either an SRD or a PDF and they are free.

Good to see you dropping by OSW! Thank you for the links.

Smiles-a-lot wrote:

Just looked at Basic Fantasy RPG that would work too but is a little bland like swords & wizardry.

My vote is still OSE.

I am sensing some opinions in favor of OSE, I guess as would be expected. I have heard many good things regarding Basic Fantasy RPG, so I will continue with my delve. But please keep the feedback coming!

Ok, I've never actually played OSE, but I've heard good things (not only here), so I think I should run off and check it out, huh?

Edit: I've downloaded the FREE rules off of, and it does seem pretty cool. Just my two cents.

2nd Edit: OMIGAWD it's got THACO! Attack Roll “to Hit AC 0” (THAC0) I've totally missed having that...I just didn't realize it. lol

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Smiles-a-lot wrote:
Edit: Ninja’d a bit by OSW

OSW with the OSE OSR.

I am still in the process of digesting both OSE and Basic Fantasy RPG, but OSE Basic Rules seem perhaps too Basic for me. Also... I am not a fan of races as classes.

And like OSW pointed out, the Advanced costs money. And I don't think I would like to run a game where people would have to spend money to participate.

Albion, The Eye wrote:

I am still in the process of digesting both OSE and Basic Fantasy RPG, but OSE Basic Rules seem perhaps too Basic for me. Also... I am not a fan of races as classes.

And like OSW pointed out, the Advanced costs money. And I don't think I would like to run a game where people would have to spend money to participate.

Makes sense.

Well, given the choice between Advanced OSE that costs money and some other system that also costs money, I’d probably go with Advanced OSE. You could go with 5e, but there is just something about it that irks me. I played the playtest packet rules here on the boards, and it was very simple yet not evocative. The advantage/disadvantage mechanic makes me come out in a rash and the lack of customisation is weird.

And this coming from someone who bemoans the lack of options in BECMI/OSE.

Sadly, the only other free rpg game system I know of, and liked, isn't really set up for what you're looking for. The D6 System is easy, it's fast, and a lot of fun. We used to play their take on Star Wars, back in the day. But again, I doubt it's what you'd want for this.

Still, figured it might spark something, so why not suggest it?

In any event, I'm willing to pay a few bucks for a new system if need be. Not like, fifty or anything, but $10 or less is reasonable.

Oceanshieldwolf wrote:
Well, given the choice between Advanced OSE that costs money and some other system that also costs money, I’d probably go with Advanced OSE.

Fair enough :)

Flanderdash wrote:

Sadly, the only other free rpg game system I know of, and liked, isn't really set up for what you're looking for. The D6 System is easy, it's fast, and a lot of fun. We used to play their take on Star Wars, back in the day. But again, I doubt it's what you'd want for this.

Still, figured it might spark something, so why not suggest it?

In any event, I'm willing to pay a few bucks for a new system if need be. Not like, fifty or anything, but $10 or less is reasonable.

Will have a look at the D6 System ;)

And I am also willing to shell out a few dollars - I just don't want to exclude people based on that.


I am now taking a second look at Castles & Crusades - have been hearing too many good things about it to ignore.

Grand Lodge

I'm in... no matter the game system.

And here I was thinking that this was a thread linking to a game I was already in.

Grand Lodge

Oceanshieldwolf wrote:

And this coming from someone who bemoans the lack of options in BECMI/OSE.

That's where I'm having a fiddle with OSR rules systems.

Albion, The Eye wrote:
Oceanshieldwolf wrote:
Well, given the choice between Advanced OSE that costs money and some other system that also costs money, I’d probably go with Advanced OSE.

Fair enough :)

Flanderdash wrote:

Sadly, the only other free rpg game system I know of, and liked, isn't really set up for what you're looking for. The D6 System is easy, it's fast, and a lot of fun. We used to play their take on Star Wars, back in the day. But again, I doubt it's what you'd want for this.

Still, figured it might spark something, so why not suggest it?

In any event, I'm willing to pay a few bucks for a new system if need be. Not like, fifty or anything, but $10 or less is reasonable.

Will have a look at the D6 System ;)

And I am also willing to shell out a few dollars - I just don't want to exclude people based on that.


I am now taking a second look at Castles & Crusades - have been hearing too many good things about it to ignore.

It's a pity you didn't have this idea a bit earlier -- there was a humble bundle a few months ago with like 500 bucks of OSR stuff, including basically the whole line of OSE stuff

Grand Lodge

I bought the advanced OSE for Black Friday. $6.

I bought it on cyber Monday for the same price. Now it looks like they are charging $15.

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For anyone new to OSR-style play, I'd recommend having a look at the following docs (all free), which delve into some of the philosophy behind the play styles.

Quick Primer for Old-School Gaming

Principia Apocrypha: Principles of Old School RPGs, or, A New OSR Primer

Philotomy's Musings

The second doc on the list, Principia Apocrypha, may be of particular interest as it's written from the perspective of players coming from modern systems (d20, PF1, 5e).

As far as systems go, OSE is all the hotness currently because it's fairly easy to run and play. It's 100% compatible with older Basic D&D material and running AD&D adventures with it should be trivial to convert. The big difference is OSE characters tend to be less powerful than their AD&D counterparts.

I've played a bit of Castles & Crusades and I like the system. For me it falls under the banner of "it's all just D&D once you get rolling." I have heard some people dislike the Siege Engine resolution mechanics though. But the Players Handbook is free in PDF form and it's all you need as a player.

OSRIC is also free and a clone of AD&D 1e. It was primarily created in the mid-2000s as a system reference document for people to be able to publish new 1e adventures and probably lacks a lot of the flavor of other systems because of that.

Grand Lodge

For Gold and Glory is like OSRIC but for 2nd Ed. It's also free.

Helaman wrote:
Oceanshieldwolf wrote:

And this coming from someone who bemoans the lack of options in BECMI/OSE.
That's where I'm having a fiddle with OSR rules systems.

Yeah, I am not 100% happy about it either (and been researching the www on ways to make the classes more interesting to play as they level up - I feel just like stealing directly from Five Torches Deep and their archetypes as I really like those - that however, is a problem for future me :D), but the important thing now is to get started.

And I am getting more and more convinced a free system is the best way to go for all - and Basic Fantasy RPG seems to have a lot of flexibility from the get-go.

Sebecloki wrote:
It's a pity you didn't have this idea a bit earlier -- there was a humble bundle a few months ago with like 500 bucks of OSR stuff, including basically the whole line of OSE stuff

Damn! :P

TPJ wrote:
OSRIC is also free and a clone of AD&D 1e. It was primarily created in the mid-2000s as a system reference document for people to be able to publish new 1e adventures and probably lacks a lot of the flavor of other systems because of that.

Thank you for the links and feedback TPJ - I was already familiar with the first one, but not the others.

Just took a quick look on the www about OSRIC, and Basic Fantasy does indeed seem to offer more 'options' from the get go.

Helaman wrote:
For Gold and Glory is like OSRIC but for 2nd Ed. It's also free.

Not going 2e. Yet ;)

But thanks for the suggestion!


I also took a glance at Dungeon Crawl Classics, and it seems to have a lot of interesting things to it - I like the fact Fighters get some 'different' abilities. Not a lot mind you, but something. Just not sure about that magic system - feels like it can make things too complex, and I am looking for a more 'straightforward' integration with OD&D and AD&D1e.

And that has made me take another look at Swords&Wizardry again - the multiple attacks, parry and strength bonuses abilities for the Fighter seem to give it more... Depth and alternatives? Which can be a good thing if it extends to other classes? Found this link which seems to compile the latest free versions, so that is a plus.

By opposition, Basic Fantasy RPG Fighters (I am just using the class as an example) have ZERO 'special' abilities. And there seem to be no 'system specific' optional rules to give them any (of course one can always take from other OSRs).

I think it's becoming clear that you might just have to cobble together the parts you like from a couple of different systems, Albion.

Pick the main system structure you like best, and then add what you want from other systems, and give everyone a list of what's changed. Toss it all together in a Google Doc and there ya go.

Just my two cents.

I want to start with a base system only for now, so you are probably right - need to pick one and take it from there, doing eventual modifications as we go.

Grand Lodge

It's not that hard... Once you nail down your core concept/ruleset that is.

My advice is pick a core, then tweak.

After some more research (and some 'cheap' PDFs) , here is what I am feeling at the moment - core ruleset to start 'the experiment' would be Swords & Wizardry - because:

- Without any houseruling at all, I believe it should offer a decent base of races and character classes;
- I have a tendency to look at Fighters as a reference, and even they have something right off the bat to play with (not sure how strong/weak it is, but something is there);
- All the needed resources for players to start are free;
- FGG has a good and active discord;
- I have always wanted to try Swords & Wizardry. After all, this is coming from the same crew who created Rappan Athuk and Slumbering Tsar :P

(Some notes: I think I would have probably leaned more to Old School Essentials, if the Advanced book was free, since I like the added classes, the book structure, and rules options it offers. I just think $15 is too steep an 'entry fee' for anyone to join, and I do not want to have that responsibility on me if the game is not successful. I also liked Basic Fantasy RPG, but as a base core system it felt more 'simplistic' than Swords & Wizardry, and my goal is OSR but I also like my games with 'features' :D).

Alternative options and rules I am looking into perhaps introducing:

- From the D&D Rules Cyclopedia - Weapon Mastery and the Skills system;
- Also from the same book, there is an optional rule I think might make sense which is allowing Ability Scores to affect Saving Throws. However, since S&W uses a single saving throw value, I am not sure how well it ports over;

More details on this to come.

Looks like it’s coming together. S&W is a fine choice. I agree FGG’s discord is really good. I’ll take a look at the alternate rules as I’m not familiar with them.

Looking forward to what you come up with.

Awesome. Looks like good stuff. Will definitely check out the system.

I missed this until now, but I'm definitely interested in some old school modules.
Not familiar enough with the OSR options out there right now, but I'd lean towards something close to the original rules. Makes it easier to run the modules without having to worry about conversion, if nothing else.

And for me personally, it'll hit the nostalgia button better to go back to something close to what I played then than trying a modern reconstruction aiming for similar feel.

Ok, I realize this is just an interest check thread and all that, but quick question GM Al: 6 x 3d6 for abilities. IN Order, or arrange them as you want? What's your preference?

For reference, here is what claims to be the Swords and Wizardry SRD

Wow, reading through the rules and this one idea keeps resounding: WOW, I forgot just HOW hard it is to survive as a magic-user back in the old days. d4 hp, few weapons, no armor, and ONE spell? For a full level? lol

Flanderdash wrote:
Wow, reading through the rules and this one idea keeps resounding: WOW, I forgot just HOW hard it is to survive as a magic-user back in the old days. d4 hp, few weapons, no armor, and ONE spell? For a full level? lol

It's not even so much survival as feeling useful.

I mean, survival is an issue, but that pushes you to hide in the back and avoid drawing attention to yourself, except that one round when you cast your big spell. Then you're done.

Let us not confuse 'being useful to the group' with 'being a force to be reckoned with in combat' ;)

Flanderdash wrote:
Ok, I realize this is just an interest check thread and all that, but quick question GM Al: 6 x 3d6 for abilities. IN Order, or arrange them as you want? What's your preference?

I am a bit divided here myself - I like the randomness of being pushed out of your comfort zone, and play according to your dice results. But I am also a player, and I cannot forget the main objective of the game is to have fun. It is not all dictated by stats, but can definitely be conditioned by it.

Nothing is yet decided, but I have seen this really interesting method, in which you roll 2d6 for each stat in order. And then you have a spread of values = 6, 5, 4, 3, 3, 3, which you can add to those rolls as you want. Seems to throw a 'healthy' amount of randomness into the mix, butalso a measure of control.

pad300 wrote:
For reference, here is what claims to be the Swords and Wizardry SRD

Thanks pad300!

Grand Lodge

Sick as a dog... will post tomorrow

I’m ok with S+W.

Much like OSW, I'm also good with S & W. :D

Albion, The Eye wrote:
Let us not confuse 'being useful to the group' with 'being a force to be reckoned with in combat' ;)

Never. I just forgot how squishy they were. No character is useless. Ever...unless they're purposely played that way.

Albion, The Eye wrote:
Flanderdash wrote:
Ok, I realize this is just an interest check thread and all that, but quick question GM Al: 6 x 3d6 for abilities. IN Order, or arrange them as you want? What's your preference?

I am a bit divided here myself - I like the randomness of being pushed out of your comfort zone, and play according to your dice results. But I am also a player, and I cannot forget the main objective of the game is to have fun. It is not all dictated by stats, but can definitely be conditioned by it.

Nothing is yet decided, but I have seen this really interesting method, in which you roll 2d6 for each stat in order. And then you have a spread of values = 6, 5, 4, 3, 3, 3, which you can add to those rolls as you want. Seems to throw a 'healthy' amount of randomness into the mix, butalso a measure of control.

I really like that. Random but with some customization and choice. Cool.

On another note: Have you officially decided on an adventure yet or are you still looking?

Helaman wrote:
Sick as a dog... will post tomorrow

Best wishes Helaman!

Flanderdash wrote:
On another note: Have you officially decided on an adventure yet or are you still looking?

Yes, I believe I have - now I need to digest it some ;)

Grand Lodge

S&W? Cool... I think I've got 2nd Ed as a book.

What Ed are we up to? And is there any difference in the editions?

I THINK whatever edition This SRD is.

Grand Lodge

I'm in.., just say the word is all I'm saying.

I will be pretty busy over the next couple of weeks (with Christmas and New Year’s Eve), but it should afford me some time to finish up some reading and get the show on the road early 2023. Or at least that is the plan ;)

As for which version of S&W, I guess it makes sense to go with whatever is in the SRD, but there are also free versions out there I think. Older versions.

I have done some additional reading on Castles & Crusades - still not convinced you can just straight up use AD&D1e modules/adventures with it though.

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