Smell My Feats

Homebrew and House Rules

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By numbering the feats, you can roll randomly and build a PC or NPC around it. By including Homebrewed feats, we should surpass 100 quickly. There’s a number, name, brief description, benefit, and Normal. Normal is what happens if you try to do that without the feat. Further notes are such things such as GM choices or other debated things. Further notes might be blank or it might be omitted entirely. Interaction between deeper darkness and glitter dust is still being debated. All feats are welcome. If a feat for something you do not allow comes up(such as occult or mythic) reroll or choose one from the overflow(more than 100 if using percentile dice).

Further Notes:

01:Continuing Threat:
Description: They attack a foe, surprise or otherwise, then hide. As long as the foe cannot spot them, they threaten for the flank. When they come out of hiding to attack, this thing resets to the new foe. Anything immune to this feat or class feature is allowing the threat an attack of opportunity at +4.
Benefit: As long as the foe cannot spot them, they threaten for the flank. When they come out of hiding to attack, this thing resets to the new foe. Anything immune to this feat or class feature is allowing the threat an attack of opportunity at +4.

Normal: If they stop attacking to flank, they no longer flank.
Further Notes: Can be taken as a Rouge or Swashbuckler class feat.

00:Name:School Swap
Description: At the cost of a spell level you change the school of an arcane spell.
Benefit: If Glitter Dust is changed to an illusion, you can see it despite Deeper Darkness.
Normal: Since Glitter Dust emits low level light, darkness spells block it.
Further Notes: The GM has final say as to the interpretation of spells. A rod of School Swap will allow using this feat 3 times a day at no level cost.

00:Name: Wand Duelist
Description: They get the most out of using magic items to cast combat spells.
Benefit: If the wand or whatever is masterwork but non magical, ray spells are +1 to hit and area effects are +1 DC. If the item contains magic spells, the to hit and DCs of saves are 1+the spell level. An empty wand doesn’t even count as masterwork.
Normal: You might as well cast spells barehanded.
Further Notes: It doesn’t matter if the actual spell stored in the item or a spell out of the mind are used. A ring of shooting stars can be aimed. Whether magic swords can be used to aim spells is up to the GM.

Goth Guru wrote:

By numbering the feats, you can roll randomly and build a PC or NPC around it. By including Homebrewed feats, we should surpass 100 quickly. There’s a number, name, brief description, benefit, and Normal. Normal is what happens if you try to do that without the feat. Further notes are such things such as GM choices or other debated things. Further notes might be blank or it might be omitted entirely. Interaction between deeper darkness and glitter dust is still being debated. All feats are welcome. If a feat for something you do not allow comes up(such as occult or mythic) reroll or choose one from the overflow(more than 100 if using percentile dice).

Further Notes:

01:Continuing Threat:
Description: They attack a foe, surprise or otherwise, then hide. As long as the foe cannot spot them, they threaten for the flank. When they come out of hiding to attack, this thing resets to the new foe. Anything immune to this feat or class feature is allowing the threat an attack of opportunity at +4.
Benefit: As long as the foe cannot spot them, they threaten for the flank. When they come out of hiding to attack, this thing resets to the new foe. Anything immune to this feat or class feature is allowing the threat an attack of opportunity at +4.

Normal: If they stop attacking to flank, they no longer flank.
Further Notes: Can be taken as a Rouge or Swashbuckler class feat.

02:Name:School Swap
Description: At the cost of a spell level you change the school of an arcane spell.
Benefit: If Glitter Dust is changed to an illusion, you can see it despite Deeper Darkness.
Normal: Since Glitter Dust emits low level light, darkness spells block it.
Further Notes: The GM has final say as to the interpretation of spells. A rod of School Swap will allow using this feat 3 times a day at no level cost.

03:Name: Wand Duelist...

Description: They get the most out of using magic items to cast combat spells.

Benefit: If the wand or whatever is masterwork but non magical, ray spells are +1 to hit and area effects are +1 DC. If the item contains magic spells, the to hit and DCs of saves are 1+the spell level. An empty wand doesn’t even count as masterwork.
Normal: You might as well cast spells barehanded.
Further Notes: It doesn’t matter if the actual spell stored in the item or a spell out of the mind are used. A ring of shooting stars can be aimed. Whether magic swords can be used to aim spells is up to the GM.

I forgot prerequisites.

Further Notes:

Continuing Threat Just requires the ability to flank and successfully hide.

Name School Swap Requires the ability to cast arcane spells.

03:Name: Wand Duelist
Description: They get the most out of using magic items to cast combat spells.
Prerequisites:Ability to cast spells.
Benefit: If the wand or whatever is masterwork but non magical, ray spells are +1 to hit and area effects are +1 DC. If the item contains magic spells, the to hit and DCs of saves are 1+the spell level. An empty wand doesn’t even count as masterwork.
Normal: You might as well cast spells barehanded.
Further Notes: It doesn’t matter if the actual spell stored in the item or a spell out of the mind are used. A ring of shooting stars can be aimed. Whether magic swords can be used to aim spells is up to the GM.

04: Name: Power Attack:
Description: You can make exceptionally deadly melee attacks by sacrificing accuracy for strength.
Prerequisites: Str. 13, base attack bonus +1
Benefit: Trade melee attack bonus for damage
Further Notes: If your GM allows it, fighters, and near fighters such as monks, can get this feat for free(Not using a feat slot).

05:Point Blank Shot:
Description:They(anything with this feat) are more accurate when making ranged attacks against close targets.
Benefit:Plus 1 to hit and damage when target is up to 30 feet away.
Normal: Without this, if you use a ranged attack into an adjacent square you get the bonus but they get an attack of opportunity.
Further Notes: May be offered free by GMs to fighters, warriors, monks, and or Elfs.

06:Concentration plus:
Description: At the cost of a spell level it changes spell duration to "concentration + [whatever the normal duration is]".
Prerequisites:Have to be able to cast spells with a duration. Permanent spells or inherent powers cannot benefit from this feat.
Benefit: Since instantaneous spells can be till discharged, the healer could put a heal on the fighter just before they face the big bad. Then they release the concentration just after the fighter takes a major hit.
Normal: Characters are stuck with a spells duration.
Further Notes: Free to only full spellcasters. A full caster will get 9th level spells, eventually. Some creatures have spell like abilities that have durations and times per day. The GM can allow or disallow this feat on a case by case basis. A rod of concentration will allow this feat 3 times a day without any level cost.

07:Natural caster:
Description: You can apply meta magic feats and rods to spell like supernatural abilities.
Prerequisites: Supernatural abilities such as mutations
Benefit: See description.
Normal: You cannot use extend spell to increase the range of your inherent Darkvision
Further Notes:The mutant class gets this feat free.


08:Zero Gymnastics :
Description: Can fire weapons and melee from midair. Lands on their feet on ceiling when under the effect of reverse gravity.
Prerequisites: Specialized training(Background or downtime)
Benefit: Zero or reverse gravity does not harm or distract them.
Normal: Reverse gravity causes falling damage. -4 to hit foes from midair.
Further Notes: Monks, martial artists, and spacemen may have and teach this skill. Anti-gravity fighting is a combat maneuver that lets a person keep fighting even while taking damage from the reverse gravity spell.

09:Move Damage Cap:
Description: The maximum dice of damage is increased by 2 per spell level.
Benefit: Using a 2nd level spell slot, magic missile can have up to 7 missiles. 4th level fireball can have up to 12 dice of damage.
Normal: Maximum damage cannot be exceeded, not even by empowerment.
Further Notes: If the GM allows the feat to be used in reverse, zero level Magic Missile will produce 1 missile doing one point of damage only. Zero level fireball will do 1 point of fire damage in half the area, if they don’t make their reflex save.

10: Cabbage Patch Casting:
Description: Add stinking cloud effect to your area effect spells.
Prerequisites: Ability to cast stinking cloud.
Benefits: When you cast an area effect spell, if you have stinking cloud prepared or known, you can choose to lose the spell or slot necessary to cast it, in addition to the base spell, to have its effects added to the original spell's area of effect. The original spell's area is reduced to the radius of stinking cloud (typically a 20-ft radius) if it would be larger, though effects like Widen Spell (on the stinking cloud spell) can increase this. Casting a Cabbage Patched spell counts as casting a spell of stinking cloud's level or the base spell, whichever is higher for purposes of concentration or effects like globe of invulnerability but uses stinking cloud's spell level to determine the save DC for the cloud's effects.
Normal: You have to cast spells one at a time.
Notes: Spells that would prevent or hinder stinking cloud cannot have this effect applied to them, such as dispel magic, a spell that floods its area with water (since stinking cloud doesn't work underwater), or creates a gust of wind that would disperse it. If paired with an illusory area effect spell, the stinking cloud effect is equally unreal and able to be disbelieved, though both illusory spell effects are separate and disbelieving one doesn't disbelieve the other.

If you substitute cloud kill, does the illusion cause unconsciousness?

Goth Guru wrote:
If you substitute cloud kill, does the illusion cause unconsciousness?

No, because that's not what cloudkill does. If illusory, it can't actually do anything other than block sight (unless disbelieved, in which case it's a hazy outline).

If you use the cloudkill version (a separate feat) with an illusory spell (not just an Illusion spell, since invisibility sphere or like aren't illusory and would work fine), then only if the base illusion spell is at least partially real (like shadow evocation being 20% real), would stinking cloud or cloudkill potentially have effect and it would only have a % chance of working equal to the base spell even if not disbelieved.

10:Dice Size:
Description: The size of the dice is increased by the level or CR of the character or creature with this feat. Thus a second level magic missile will be D6+1 per missile but otherwise the same. A zero level magic missile will be D2+1(flip a coin) and might be a single missile a round. This will also affect dice of healing. Number of dice sides will go up or down by 2s.
Prerequisites:They have to do dice of something, such as damage, healing, repair, ect.
Benefit: While this can be used as a metamagic feat, it can benefit fighters and dire animals as well. A paladin can use his or her holy sword to greater effect against evil.
Normal: Low level spells normally can’t keep pace. They become worse than useless.

12: Extensive Spell Research
Prerequisite: Caster level 3. 15+ in your spellcasting ability (INT/WIS/CHA depending on class). INT 11+.
Description: Choose a spell that you know. From now on, you automatically learn closely-related spells when you have a high enough caster level and spellcasting ability to cast them (immediately learn such spells if you are high enough level to cast them now). If your class has a limit of spells known, these closely-related spells do not count towards that limit. Closely-related spells include:
- Any spell with a number at the end is closely related to spells that have the same name except for the number (cure/inflict wounds, summon monster, beast shape, etc).
- Any spell with lesser/greater/mass/communal or similar descriptors are closely-related to their base spells.
Some other closely-related spell sets:
- identify closely related to (greater)detect magic
- create pit, spiked pit, acid pit, hungry pit
- silent image, minor image, major image
- obscuring mist, fog cloud, stinking cloud, cloudkill
- mage hand, unseen servant, pilfering hand, telekinesis
- cause fear, scare, fear, feast on fear
- vanish, invisibility, selective invisibility, greater invisibility
- feather fall, glide, fly, overland flight
Others as determined by the GM.

I don't think this would be OP, do you?

will_asher wrote:

12: Extensive Spell Research

I don't think this would be OP, do you?

I don't want to turn the thread into a debate, or stifle creativity. As for whether this is OP, that depends on the GM and their game.

Space saver:
I do like the number and greater/lesser (or the light, moderate, serious, etc.) parameters. Those are easy to look up and evaluate and know what will be accessed by choosing any individual spell.

On the other hand, basically this just gives additional spells to a caster. It will be more valuable to a spontaneous caster than a wizard (which is meant to be the key balancing factor between the two classes) and it's almost useless to a caster like a cleric who chooses from a list.

Some GMs will have different spells in mind as closely-related. For example, rather than 'feather fall, glide, fly, etc.' they might consider levitate to be part of that series instead of feather fall. If a user chose detect magic, they will then get about 24 free spells known to their list, and that's just going by spells with 'detect' in their name, which I think most people will agree are closely related, but one GM might then consider locate or find object type spells [closely-]related enough going by your examples (since you note identify). If they chose charm person they'd get about six spells, but then will spells like fascinate, or enthrall, or the dominate line be closely-related to charm (or will they be their own series)?

One GM might follow your mage hand line, but say telekinesis isn't closely-related, but give access to Bigby's hand line (interposing hand, crushing hand, etc.)

That doesn't mean it's OP, just hard to evaluate, since your mileage may vary depending on your GM. Personally I wouldn't view this as balanced myself from a design standpoint, but it's fine for any individual GM to use as long as they're maintaining strict oversight of their game and should be prepared for a player to start arguing cases for what spells are closely-related to their choice.

Goth Guru wrote:

11:Dice Size:

Description: The size of the dice is increased by the level or CR of the character or creature with this feat. Thus a second level magic missile will be D6+1 per missile but otherwise the same. A zero level magic missile will be D2+1(flip a coin) and might be a single missile a round. This will also affect dice of healing. Number of dice sides will go up or down by 2s.
Prerequisites:They have to do dice of something, such as damage, healing, repair, ect.
Benefit: While this can be used as a metamagic feat, it can benefit fighters and dire animals as well. A paladin can use his or her holy sword to greater effect against evil.
Normal: Low level spells normally can’t keep pace. They become worse than useless.

I changed it to 11 because of number ninjaing.

Also, it can be applied to summoned creature dice especially in the case of summoners.

Pizza Lord wrote:
will_asher wrote:

12: Extensive Spell Research

I don't think this would be OP, do you?

I don't want to turn the thread into a debate, or stifle creativity. As for whether this is OP, that depends on the GM and their game.

** spoiler omitted **
That doesn't mean it's OP, just hard to evaluate, since your mileage may vary depending on your GM. Personally I wouldn't view this as balanced myself from a design...

One option is, just double bonus spells, with half the spells being related to the favorite spell. This may be a feat that can only be taken once.

Dark Archive

Goth Guru wrote:

10:Dice Size:

Description: The size of the dice is increased by the level or CR of the character or creature with this feat. Thus a second level magic missile will be D6+1 per missile but otherwise the same. A zero level magic missile will be D2+1(flip a coin) and might be a single missile a round. This will also affect dice of healing. Number of dice sides will go up or down by 2s.
Prerequisites:They have to do dice of something, such as damage, healing, repair, ect.
Benefit: While this can be used as a metamagic feat, it can benefit fighters and dire animals as well. A paladin can use his or her holy sword to greater effect against evil.
Normal: Low level spells normally can’t keep pace. They become worse than useless.

I like that you limited it to going up '2 dice faces' rather than 'next larger die size,' since that 1d6 -> 1d8 -> 2d6 -> 3d6 progression gets pretty buff, pretty fast. You'd limit it to 1d6 -> 1d8 -> 1d10 -> 1d12, etc. (A metamagic feat to boost cure wounds by 1 die size for a +1 boost could be useful. 3rd level cure moderate wounds that does 4d6+CL instead of 2d8+CL? Sure!)

I always wanted a way to raise the dice size of magic missile, in particular, because I loathe d4s. Annoying plastic caltrops... :)

13. Quick Correction (Betrayal, Teamwork)
Description: When an ally says something you believe is stupid, you can swiftly correct them.
Prerequisites:Sleight of Hand 1 rank, Bluff, Diplomacy, or Intimidate 1 rank.
Benefits: As an immediate action, if an adjacent ally that also has this feat says something you feel is inappropriate, inconvenient, or stupid (whether it was or not), you can make a Sleight of Hand check and deal 1d4 nonlethal damage to them to cut them off. You then make a Bluff, Diplomacy, or Intimidate to interject with a plausible diversion. The type of excuse or diversion determines the skill used (Bluff, Diplomacy, or Intimidate) and the manner must be one in which you have at least 1 skill rank.
The abettor may also use an immediate or swift action to Aid Another and back you up by making a making a DC 10 skill check using the same skill you did, but only if they possess at least 1 skill rank in it. If they do, you add +2 to your check. They receive a –1 penalty to their check for each point of damage they've taken this round.
Observers receive a Perception check against your Sleight of Hand to note the subtle (or not-so-subtle) rebuke and those who succeed receive a +4 bonus to resist your diversion.
If used to interrupt an ally's attempt to cast a verbal spell or use a command word or other vocal trigger or ability, the abettor may attempt a Concentration check to continue if they wish.
Normal: Once your ally says something stupid, you can try and explain it away afterward, but that may require more interaction, time, and include penalties based on what was said and heard.
Note: This can not stop a creature from speaking or making noise. If the party is trying to be silent or stealthy, it will be clear that the abettor said something and it will even be heard, but the initiator has a chance to divert, distract, or otherwise prevent those from hearing it from taking the words (not the sound or noise) seriously or processing what was said fully. For instance, you can't make guards think the talking they heard was just boards creaking and not investigate, but if your ally said something like, "I hope the guards don't catch us sneaking around here," You can quickly add or interject something like, "...because maybe the lord of the house didn't tell them he'd hired exterminators to clear the basement," and possibly avert or offset any reasonable penalties from what they heard when they do confront you.

14. Stepping Stool (Betrayal, Teamwork)
Description: You knock your allies prone so you can stand upon them for height advantage or boosts.
Prerequisites: Acrobatics 1 rank
Benefits: When you move into the space of an ally who also has this feat, you can choose to knock them prone with a swift action and step upon them for a boost in height. If your ally is within one size category of you, you receive a +1 higher ground bonus against opponents the same size or smaller than you or your ally (whichever is larger). You can also use your ally as a springboard to add +2 to Acrobatics or jumping checks for leaps or similar actions from their space or just continue moving (but usually you can already pass through a willing ally's space).
If an attack is made while standing on an ally, the initiator may then move to an open, adjacent square (provoking attacks of opportunity for movement) or remain in place, likely preventing their ally from standing up on their turn. An initiator with Spring Attack or a similar ability to move, attack, and move again can use it with this feat.
Once the initiator's action is finished, the abettor may use an immediate action to make a DC 20 Acrobatics check to stand back up (if their space is free) or crawl to an adjacent square (leaving the initiator behind) without provoking attacks of opportunity.
Normal: You cannot charge through occupied spaces. Knocking an ally prone requires a bull rush, overrun, or other action.
Notes: This feat does work on allies that are already prone, but they do not get an Acrobatics check to move or stand up afterwards, and they must be conscious to provide any benefits since the feat requires the abettor to assist and help boost the initiator in conscious ways. It does not work on allies that cannot be knocked prone, like snakes or a gelatinous cube. Abettors may take damage if the initiator has claws, dangerous or spiky footwear, leaves caustic or fiery trails, or other instances at a GM's discretion from being stepped on.

14: Party members can practice this and use this and use this to allow the wizard to drop the shrunk item anvil on a foe.

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