Emblazon Energy Cleric Feat, Circumstance Bonus from AC or from Take Cover?

Rules Discussion

In the Core Rulebook, the Emblazon Energy cleric feat refers to a shield's "circumstance bonus to saving throws." Is this referring to it's circumstance bonus to AC when raising a shield, or only to the cover provided by a tower shield?

The wielder gain the shield’s circumstance bonus to saving throws against that damage type

A shield's circumstance bonus refers to the bonus it provides to AC. So +1 for a buckler, and +2 for a regular shield. I'm not totally sure if tower shield greater cover bonuses apply.

Captain Morgan wrote:

The wielder gain the shield’s circumstance bonus to saving throws against that damage type

A shield's circumstance bonus refers to the bonus it provides to AC. So +1 for a buckler, and +2 for a regular shield. I'm not totally sure if tower shield greater cover bonuses apply.

Thank you.

Captain Morgan wrote:

The wielder gain the shield’s circumstance bonus to saving throws against that damage type

A shield's circumstance bonus refers to the bonus it provides to AC. So +1 for a buckler, and +2 for a regular shield. I'm not totally sure if tower shield greater cover bonuses apply.

Just reread and realized the source of my confusion. The text says "The wielder gains the shield's circumstance bonus to saving throws against that damage type"

Misread it as the shields "circumstance bonus to saving throws" being added to the damage type, where a shield does not have such.

When it really meant it added the shield's "circumstance bonus" to saving throws against elemental effects.

moosher12 wrote:
Captain Morgan wrote:

The wielder gain the shield’s circumstance bonus to saving throws against that damage type

A shield's circumstance bonus refers to the bonus it provides to AC. So +1 for a buckler, and +2 for a regular shield. I'm not totally sure if tower shield greater cover bonuses apply.

Just reread and realized the source of my confusion. The text says "The wielder gains the shield's circumstance bonus to saving throws against that damage type"

Misread it as the shields "circumstance bonus to saving throws" being added to the damage type, where a shield does not have such.

When it really meant it added the shield's "circumstance bonus" to saving throws against elemental effects.


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