Strike the Earth! Dwarf Fortress on Steam.

Video Games

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December 9th. Get ready to make your very own Boatmurdered.

Liberty's Edge


Three hours in and it's already the top-selling game of the day with 21k concurrent players (FOR A SINGLE PLAYER SIM GAME).

I've been waiting for this to drop for a full decade now, loved it when it was ASCII visual terrorism with no UI or UX whatsoever. Spent about an hour or so messing around and HOO-BOY this is exactly what I was hoping for.

I couldn't be happier with it and that's not even talking about the fantastic soundtrack. It's been a long time coming for sure and I am happy to finally be able to help pay the developers for all the work they put into this thing, after all, the original version is one of THE landmarks in modern sim games as it heavily inspired and made a place for other games that fell in its footsteps (most of which were headed and created by big publishers and game dev studios rather than two brothers, some volunteers, and a handful of artists to make the sprites and music) such as Factorio, Rimworld and Prison Architect to name only a few.

I think I might end up getting lost in the mines on this one, and that is OKAY with me.

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