Boons Played on Turn

Rules Questions and Gameplay Discussion

I am hoping we have not been playing the game wrong this entire time; regardless of "house rules".

If it is my turn and I explore and encounter a bane and play a blessing and win/lose to the bane can I play another blessing by discarding it to explore again? Basically I am trying to figure out if I can play more than one blessing per turn. Since the rules state you can only play one type of boon per turn/encounter.

As far as I understand it, the limit of one boon of each type only relates to an encounter (page 8) or a check (page 12) - there is no limit of one boon of each type per turn. And keep in mind that boons that can be played "freely" aren't counted towards the limit.

The direct answer to your question is that you can play a blessing on an encounter/check and then play another blessing to explore again.

Brother Tyler wrote:

As far as I understand it, the limit of one boon of each type only relates to an encounter (page 8) or a check (page 12) - there is no limit of one boon of each type per turn. And keep in mind that boons that can be played "freely" aren't counted towards the limit.

The direct answer to your question is that you can play a blessing on an encounter/check and then play another blessing to explore again.

And then consequently I can discard two blessings to acquire mythic charges too?

xhaven80 wrote:
Brother Tyler wrote:

As far as I understand it, the limit of one boon of each type only relates to an encounter (page 8) or a check (page 12) - there is no limit of one boon of each type per turn. And keep in mind that boons that can be played "freely" aren't counted towards the limit.

The direct answer to your question is that you can play a blessing on an encounter/check and then play another blessing to explore again.

And then consequently I can discard two blessings to acquire mythic charges too?

Yes. Playing Blessing of Ascension to get mythic charges happens in between steps of the turn. You can play as many cards then as you want. There is no limit.

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