Patrick Walsh |
My group resumed playing through the Shattered Star AP back at the end of July. I have finally posted my session notes for Session 1 today on my blog, Bugbears for Breakfast. The link is Book 3, Session 1.
I will be posting at least one session a week, two if time allows and I haven't caught up yet. We just played session 10, so I have some ground to cover before I catch up.
Patrick Walsh |
My group has finished playing through Shattered Star, Book 3. Here is a link to the Asylum Stone Landing Page on my blog, Bugbears for Breakfast.
Total run was 37 sessions. This book seemed to make more assumptions about how the adventurers would do things, expecting more murderhobo activity than what we actually did. It also seemed to assume we would interact with all the factions in Kaer Maga instead of staying focused on finding our objective. As a result, the DM switched us to Milestone Experience so we would not fall behind the expected character levels for the adventure.