How to get PDFs for Fantasy Grounds adventures?

Website Feedback

Hi, newbie Pathfinder player here - how do I get PDF access to purchases made through

I bought a bounty adventure (#3, Shadows and Scarecrows) on Fantasy Grounds three nights ago, followes the instructions to sync the Paizo and Fantasy Grounds accounts, and at least have it so Fantasy Grounds knows which digital content I have on (and offers discounts on the FG modules).

However, whenever I go to review my digital content on Paizo, the My Downloads/Digital Content doesn't have the bounty anywhere. I tried sending an email to customer service, but other than an auto-reply message I've heard nothing.

What do I need to do next?

Paizo Employee Software Architect

DemiurgeMCK wrote:

Hi, newbie Pathfinder player here - how do I get PDF access to purchases made through

I bought a bounty adventure (#3, Shadows and Scarecrows) on Fantasy Grounds three nights ago, followes the instructions to sync the Paizo and Fantasy Grounds accounts, and at least have it so Fantasy Grounds knows which digital content I have on (and offers discounts on the FG modules).

However, whenever I go to review my digital content on Paizo, the My Downloads/Digital Content doesn't have the bounty anywhere. I tried sending an email to customer service, but other than an auto-reply message I've heard nothing.

What do I need to do next?

Hi, Demiurge!

When you synchronize your Paizo account with your account on a partner's website, they're supposed to automatically send our website a request to link the accounts. Since you're seeing discounted prices on their website, it appears that this process completed successfully.

In the same way that their website asks ours which products you own so they can offer discounts on their versions of those products, their website is also supposed to report to ours any products you purchased from them so that we can unlock the corresponding PDFs on our side. It appears this second process has not completed successfully.

If you visit the Fantasy Grounds Paizo Account Sync page, you should see a button to "Send Purchase Info to". Try clicking that and see if your downloads unlock. If they do not, please post back here with the date and time you clicked the button, so we can look into where things went wrong.

Good afternoon.
I'm having trouble syncing purchases from Fantasy Grounds.
I purchased several add-ons for Fantasy Grounds Unity and some of them were added to my account, but for some reason it did not work for GM Core and Player Core. There is no discount on your site for pdf files and the files themselves were not unlocked. They do not participate in synchronization. I pressed the synchronization button several times.

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