Alseta |
Hello everyone,
My PC play a gang of thugs in Korvosa. It's not always the easiest to manage, but with promises of money or influence, they accept so far more or less the quests I offer them.
They are now starting to hire new members in their gang. I was thinking I could dedicate some time to propose some mechanics for them to have the opportunity to grow as a gang of thugs. I have some ideas to create some kind of roles/abilities/stats for the gang, but then I am not sure if and how I could use it in the adventure.
Does anyone has any suggestions of some confrontations with some other criminal associations? And how it could be linked to the story plots?
So far, we are in Chapter 2 (Seven days to the grave). They met the Arkonas and Devargo, and they enjoyed those "encounters". They also interacted very indirectly with the Cerulean Society. And with a other minor gang, but this other gang is already quite weak compared to them.
Did anyone play a "war of gangs"? Do you have any idea of how being an influential gang would tie wit the story?
The_Mothman |
You could definitely retool Pilts Swastel and his mob in book 3 into a more traditional gang. Play up the power and influence this gang has in old Korvosa, make them feel like a real untouchable threat and difficult rival now so that when they end up stuck in Old Korvosa in book 3 they're going to feel some real pressure.
After Book 3 you the AP kinda loses focus on Korvosa, and the party doesn't properly return to the city until book 6, at which point there are bigger things happening. That being said, it may be hard to maintain a gang properly while cut off from the city, so perhaps another group has usurped the PCs territory in their absence. Possibly Yzahnum or another agent of the Queen has turned some of the PCs gang against them. Or maybe the gang has folded in with the Korvosan rebellion.
I would make Book 3 the culmination of the gang story, when the PCs leave the city their gang should be pretty powerful and influential, having taken out their rivals. But when they return in book 6, they should be a shadow of that power, forced into hiding or worse as Ileosa's tyranny has grown, have the state of the gang reflect the state of Korvosa as a whole.
Hope some of that was helpful at least.
Alseta |
Hello, thank you!
I really like the idea of turning their gang against them, at least partially, when they return by chapter 6. It's helpful to have an idea of the pacing, as I did not read that much beyond chapter 2 tbh. So it's good to know that you recommend having it culminate by chapter 3.
I'll try to foreshadow Pilts during this chapter (2) then. Thank you!
zimmerwald1915 |
Hello everyone,
My PC play a gang of thugs in Korvosa. It's not always the easiest to manage, but with promises of money or influence, they accept so far more or less the quests I offer them.
They are now starting to hire new members in their gang. I was thinking I could dedicate some time to propose some mechanics for them to have the opportunity to grow as a gang of thugs. I have some ideas to create some kind of roles/abilities/stats for the gang, but then I am not sure if and how I could use it in the adventure.
Does anyone has any suggestions of some confrontations with some other criminal associations? And how it could be linked to the story plots?
So far, we are in Chapter 2 (Seven days to the grave). They met the Arkonas and Devargo, and they enjoyed those "encounters". They also interacted very indirectly with the Cerulean Society. And with a other minor gang, but this other gang is already quite weak compared to them.
Did anyone play a "war of gangs"? Do you have any idea of how being an influential gang would tie wit the story?
For mechanics, you may like to repurpose the rebellion/militia rules from Hell's Rebels and Ironfang Invasion. For enemies, try the Ironsoots - everyone likes it when organized criminals beat up on trade unionists.