RIP Queen Elizabeth II

Off-Topic Discussions

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I watch Tiktok on my lunch breaks. The first one that came up, the way I found out the Queen of England had passed, was a contemptuous satire of her path in the afterlife.

That was cruel. Literal minutes after Queen Elizabeth had been announced as gone, some American with spite for the royals was spitting venom. I'm... frustrated with some of the people in my country right now.

I'm not from England, don't really know the respectful way to do this. I'm just saying that I'm sorry for the passing of the Queen. She had reigned every day I've been alive, until today. I hope that her family can be given time to grieve this loss. I think the other thing I'm supposed to say is, God save the King, so I'll leave that here as well.

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I found out thanks to meme Tweets. Some were mean, some were funny. As a traitorous rebel, I have the right to not care, but I will refrain from saying anything bad.

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Gods save the millions who suffered under the yoke of foreign empires, and those who suffer still today from the scars that remain.

This doesn’t really have any reason to be on the forums for a tabletop roleplaying game company.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

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keftiu wrote:

Gods save the millions who suffered under the yoke of foreign empires, and those who suffer still today from the scars that remain.

This doesn’t really have any reason to be on the forums for a tabletop roleplaying game company.

To the best of my knowledge, the board has no policy against acknowledging the deaths of public figures. This off topic forum is to the best of my knowledge a suitable place for such posts and indeed many such posts have been made here in the past.

I am not an admin, but to the best of my knowledge this board does have a policy against posts that contain political commentary, so I advise attention to that matter.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

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Elizabeth II was a prominent public figure since the end of World War II. Her 70 year role as a head of state, I think, provided a sense of constancy--which different individuals might see that as either stagnation or comforting necessity--to the United Kingdom, the Commonwealth, and the world.

With her, this sense of stability is now lost. This again means a load of complex things, but there is nonetheless a global loss to process (internally).

I pray for the best of the nation of which she was Head of State for over 70 years; for the family that called her mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother; and for all those who feel impacted by this death regardless of what their specific feelings may be regarding this impact.

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I'm not a monarchist in any sense and I didn't agree with everything she did but she did a hell of a job of being a figurehead for the nation and the Commonwealth. RIP and my condolences to the bereaved.

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One of the rare days where Morrissey can feel good, I imagine. Love all the positivity on the subject I'm seeing from Irish people online!

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Tone policing reactions to a celebrity's death seems very... well... I only have impolite words.

She represented an institution that has murdered and oppressed millions of people for centuries around the globe, and she personally ensured that institution would continue to exist. She also seemed like a somewhat nice lady. I'm not sure those two things really balance out.

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The Queen that I like had Freddie Mercury as the lead singer.

God Save The Queen

No Queen has ever rocked harder!*

*May not apply to stone giant Queens

Liberty's Edge

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*Hesitates* This is truly one of the Denis Diderot moments of all time.

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A human being lived and died. I'm sure, like the rest of us, she did some good things and some bad things. She happened to be in a position which gave her greater scope for either/both than most of us get. Was she as great as her family says? Probably not. Should we lay at her feet every bad thing Britain did over the last 70 years (or more, as some want to)? Also no.

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Until a few minutes ago watching CNN I hadn't realized "my country tis of thee" was just a weird al'd version of god save the queen.

Whenever I think British I head dun dundundun dun dun dundun dun dun.

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jocundthejolly wrote:
A human being lived and died. I'm sure, like the rest of us, she did some good things and some bad things. She happened to be in a position which gave her greater scope for either/both than most of us get. Was she as great as her family says? Probably not. Should we lay at her feet every bad thing Britain did over the last 70 years (or more, as some want to)? Also no.

If a monarch can't be held accountable for her kingdom, then who? It's not like she was poor or powerless.

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It's weird to me because she's essentially been nothing but symbolic my whole life. I guess that's sort of the purpose of symbols, so it makes sense to despise her as a symbol of the United Kingdom, but a lot of the reaction seems more personal than that.

As if people have more against her than against the country? That's odd to me.

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Symbols have power.

Edit: A decent breakdown.

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TriOmegaZero wrote:
Edit: A decent breakdown.

She does make a good point when she says that the British masses are showing the monarchy a level of respect that the monarchy never shows for the British masses.

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jocundthejolly wrote:
A human being lived and died. I'm sure, like the rest of us, she did some good things and some bad things. She happened to be in a position which gave her greater scope for either/both than most of us get. Was she as great as her family says? Probably not. Should we lay at her feet every bad thing Britain did over the last 70 years (or more, as some want to)? Also no.

If my dad robs a bank, and leaves me the money, should I keep the money?

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Irontruth wrote:
If my dad robs a bank, and leaves me the money, should I keep the money?

Hell yes! The banks are faceless corporations that have been robbing the masses for generations.

"In 2005, JP Morgan Chase, currently the biggest bank in the US, admitted that two of its subsidiaries - Citizens' Bank and Canal Bank in Louisiana - accepted enslaved people as collateral for loans. If plantation owners defaulted on loan payment the banks took ownership of these slaves.

JP Morgan was not alone. The predecessors that made up Citibank, Bank of America and Wells Fargo are among a list of well-known US financial firms that benefited from the slave trade."

Now if your father robbed the people, the way the monarchy did, then you should absolutely make an effort to return the money.

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Fergie wrote:
Irontruth wrote:
If my dad robs a bank, and leaves me the money, should I keep the money?

Hell yes! The banks are faceless corporations that have been robbing the masses for generations.

"In 2005, JP Morgan Chase, currently the biggest bank in the US, admitted that two of its subsidiaries - Citizens' Bank and Canal Bank in Louisiana - accepted enslaved people as collateral for loans. If plantation owners defaulted on loan payment the banks took ownership of these slaves.

JP Morgan was not alone. The predecessors that made up Citibank, Bank of America and Wells Fargo are among a list of well-known US financial firms that benefited from the slave trade."

Now if your father robbed the people, the way the monarchy did, then you should absolutely make an effort to return the money.

The two primary shareholders/founders of the Royal Africa Company were members of the British royal family. I doubt it'll take 3 guesses what Atlantic trade network they started.

King Charles II
King James II (Duke of York at the time of the royal charter)

It's not possible to give an ammount (gross or percentage) of how much wealth the royals accrued from slavery, but it profited both them and the whole of England immensely.

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