SFS 5-03 Fugue of the Traitor

GM Discussion

Exo-Guardians 2/5 5/5

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I found a glitch in the Description Vs Art category. Of Miiyu's inner circle there are two pahtra, a vlaka, and a ixtii. That last one threw me for a loop, until I remembered that Envar jerk.

The art in line with the text appears correct, the headshots in Appendix 3 switch Alfey and Vokuvi. Heads up for those making handouts to go with the investigation portion.

Exo-Guardians 2/5 5/5

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Also, building a colossal mech out of Lego will certainly draw attention to your table.

Kind of sad the mech encounter feels bolted on. My players wanted to know where the big boss came from, my assumption was that it landed in the "some of something else." I old the players that the cat-mechs and robots were built based on reverse engineering the ceramic mesh on the big mech.

If the scenario author reads this, was there another species that tried to help the pahtra against the Vesk before / during the Gap? That was certainly my impression but I could be mistaken.

5/5 5/55/55/5

Mostly I did like the scenario (where else do you get to see a skitter luchadore suplex a giant robot?) but there were some issues.

Problem 1 with the scenario. The players are stuck on a side, namely the Pathra Resistance movement and the lighter softer gentler kumbaya side of it at that. I know some players didn't like being stuck with the vesk but going the other way isn't necessarily a solution for the lack of player choice.

2 The "Traitor" is betraying the pathra liberation front to the liberation front of pathra on the basis of we don't kill people so... they kill someone over the difference.

3) Even before the mech fight this is a Loooong scenario. That gets in the way with a lot of the role playing you re supposed to be doing with these characters.

usually I run an hour fast, with this i was an hour over and still had to skip a fight.

Exo-Guardians 2/5 5/5

Can confirm about the length. I was worried I'd have to cut the mech fight , which would be very sad.

The extremists Vs resistance did give me some Rogue One vibes. Shooting stormtroopers is one thing, blowing up the bistro where they eat off duty is something else entirely. The actual traitor does the cyanide capsule thing while the patsy can be saved and turned around. That goes back to length. There is a lot of room to RP in this one. After each event the players get more info and clues.

I did try to nudge them into accusing someone before the Shrike, really didn't want the ixtii to die off camera. It would have saved some time as Nate called it during my descriptions of the inner circle.

Scarab Sages 4/5 5/55/55/5 *** Venture-Captain, Australia—NSW—Greater West

I ended up cutting the robot fight in the bunker so I could do the mech and final showdown (my players didn't accuse anyone, even though they had worked it out). It still ended up running long. There are 4 combats and a lot of role-playing in this one.

Dark Archive 4/5 5/5

Having played it, the general org play experience has heavily emphasized gathering sufficient evidence before jumping in. Which I am generally a fan of encouraging. I also don't mind that there is probably a consequence for doing so in the scenario (namely the one NPC death) Its not a punishment or anything for the players, just a well that didn't work out perfectly.

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