'Re'loading Elemental Weapons

Kineticist Class

Verdant Wheel

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Is your Elemental Hand Crossbow/Pistol/Air Repeater loaded already when you Gather an Element? The word "reload" is used as if it is, and this could create confusion since Cycle Elements is presumably not meant to immediately refresh a whole Capacity magazine.

This isn't so much a rules question as I think I'm pretty clear on the answer, but it might be helpful to make it obvious that you have to load your weapon as-normal, as much as that sucks for anyone who started the fight without a pre-Gathered Element.

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Probably not intended to reload a whole magazine with one action but if you have chosen elemental weapon twice, you could just manifest a different weapon that's fully loaded without issue I believe.

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I hope we get some more interactions with elemental weapon since I do really like the flavor and mechanics of it. Might end up as a small boon like Verdant weapon on druids. Crossing fingers that it doesn't.

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