About SibyllaAppearance
As she grew into her teen years her feelings turned increasingly poisonous, to a slow hatred of the Church and King both – they had taken from her any semblance of a normal life, robbed her of her childhood, and now seemingly demanded that she devote her life to their ideals. She resolved that her fate would be her own, and though she followed in her mother’s footsteps studying arcane magic, did so as a means of unchaining herself from the Church rather than aiding it. Eager to provide for her, the blessed child of martyrs, few questions were asked so long as she maintained a facade of piety and goodliness. It was during her studies that she met Father Victor Morgan, a priest of the Prince of Darkness hiding among the Mitrian clergy, and there her path changed. Rather than allow Sibylla to slide away from the light and into gray area between, Morgan pulled the teen headlong into the heart of darkness. Befriending her and learning of her disenfranchisement, Morgan saw an opportunity to secure a coup for his lord, to plant a dark seed in poisoned fields. Slowly, very slowly, he introduced her to Hellish theology. She proved a receptive student, half eager to rebel against the Church of Mitra and half eager for the discipline Morgan increasingly provided to his dark disciple. By the time she left her studies and journeyed to make her way in the world Sibylla was not simply a wizard, but also an ordained priestess of the Lord of Hell. Sibylla spent almost two years perfecting her craft before everything came crashing down. Morgan’s allegiances were discovered, and under the question he gave up not only Sibylla, but many others. Apprehended by Sir Balin Sibylla now awaits her death in Branderscar – a heretics death. Sibylla however has no intention of facing that end quietly… Personality
In private, she is quite different. In truth Sibylla is a tremendously ambitious young woman with a taste for all things forbidden. She seeks power, power enough that she can write her own destiny. In the pursuit of that power she is rigidly organized and calculating, preferring to plan far in advance rather than react to events. Her delight in forbidden acts, powers, and ideas manifests itself in an adventurous streak with cuisine and… other matters. She secretly takes delight in masquerading as a paragon of virtue, and takes even more delight in reveling in the horror when others learn her true nature. When apprehended by Sir Balin rumor tells that she roared with laughter while she was led away before disbelieving eyes. In that way she delights in embracing the trickster aspect of her god – and make no mistake Sibylla holds Asmodeus as her one true god. The Father Below exemplifies those ideas she has grown to embrace. Discipline, firmness, and self-interest are ideas she has built her life around. She does not offer forgiveness, only penance. She does not believe in altruism, only investment. She views, in many ways, the ideology of the Prince of Darkness as having liberated her and opened her eyes to the truth of the world. Goals & Desires
Though she is driven perhaps in some small secret part by lingering hatred or bitterness over the loss of her parents, the angry girl child is long vanished behind the true believer. In Sibylla’s eyes the Church of Mitra and the King promote ideas, ideology, and beliefs that are morally wrong. Altruism, sacrifice, and generosity are no virtues to her, and the ‘indoctrination’ of the people of Talingarde into the bizarre cult-like rituals that defy all logic and self-interest is an affront to the natural order. These organizations and individuals must die not for any personal slight to her, but so that the people of Talingarde may return to sane and rational thought. This is not for their own good, but rather for her own. Living in a world gone mad is uniquely frustrating for one of a handful with open eyes. The inmates are running the asylum, and she is tired of sharing their garb. Beyond a return to the ‘natural’ order of civilization, Sibylla personally desires power both arcane and divine. In her mind the former is the gateway to the latter for, though she rarely speaks of it, she holds any that would approach the Dark Lord empty handed and begging for scraps of his unholy might to be hardly worthy. Towards that end she is eager to seek out greater sources of eldritch lore – in particular that dealing with forbidden and lost magics. She longs for the day that she may call a fiend to this world and bend it to her will or animate the slain to carry out her desires. Temporally she is relatively ascetic. She desires materials for her research, wealth enough for comfort, and appropriate garb for a priestess of the Prince of Darkness, but she has few aspirations (presently) towards riches. Name Sibylla Noriha
Sibylla Noriha Female Aasimar (Peri-Blooded) Conjurer2/Cleric1 LE Medium Outsider (Native)
AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 10, combat 11
Speed 30ft.
Cleric Spells Prepared (Caster Level 1st, Concentration +4)
Spell-like Abilities (Caster Level 3rd)
Wizard Spells Prepared (Caster Level 2nd, Concentration +6); Focused Arcane School Teleportation
SQ arcane bond (none), domains (fire, trickery)
Copycat (Sp) Sibylla can create an illusory double of herself as a move action. This ability functions as mirror image with only one image and lasts for 1 round. She may do so 6/day. Firebolt (Sp) As a standard action Sibylla can unleash a bolt of fire from an outstretched hand. This is a ranged touch attack with a range of 30ft. that deals 1d6+1 damage. She can use this ability 6/day. Shift (Su) As a swift acton Sibylla can teleport up to 5ft. into a nearby space as if using dimension door. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity. She must be able to see the space that she is moving into and cannot take other creatures beyond her familiar. She may do so 7/day. Non-standard Material Links
Everything else, I believe, is core or APG. Obviously she's aiming for early entry into Mystic Theurge.