Looking for a GM / Group for Council of Thieves


After RotRL(which I swear, one day I will complete! lol), CoT is probably the AP I wanna play through the most(or at least top 5).

In a perfect world, a prospective GM would be okay with gestalt(or quasi gestalt) and/or 3pp rules, but honestly, I would be okay with just the core classes(ie, the ones from the CRB) if that's what it took to play in this, lol.

Also, I would be willing to offer my discord to help with communications, discussion, image sharing, etc.

Dark Archive

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Hmm, sounds interesting. All shady back stabbing characters to apply?

PaleDim wrote:
Hmm, sounds interesting. All shady back stabbing characters to apply?

Heck yes!! Crime time is best time!! lol

Sounds great! I may have played it once on the forum, but the DM was quickly taken by a thief's guild.

Ah some well known suspects!
I would be down to conduct some honest family business^^

Is there a GM in sight?

Dark Archive

We have to find one and make them an offer they can't refuse.

Well, VTT i would suggest building a group and perhaps even pay a GM.
But PbP i don't know, it's pure luck i guess.

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