keftiu |
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Its treatment in the Spore War Player's Guide has me excited that this take on Kyonin will avoid old elitist tropes, which I appreciate - but I'm hoping there's room for parts of the elven nation to get really weird. Their capital is the hub for a portal network that spans the globe and the solar system; if I remember right, Knights of Lastwall had a lich from Sovyrian commanding Lashunta vampires, and more stuff like that would delight me. Iadara is rocking some really profound magic - let's luxuriate in that high fantasy a little!
The other nations do significantly less for me, admittedly, though I'm a little curious to see what Galt's identity looks like now. Andoran is already Democracy Land, and we're seemingly done with Eternal Revolution being the color for the local theme park... what comes next? Our Fantasy France has a chance to be something new, and that interests me a lot.
vyshan |
Its treatment in the Spore War Player's Guide has me excited that this take on Kyonin will avoid old elitist tropes, which I appreciate - but I'm hoping there's room for parts of the elven nation to get really weird. Their capital is the hub for a portal network that spans the globe and the solar system; if I remember right, Knights of Lastwall had a lich from Sovyrian commanding Lashunta vampires, and more stuff like that would delight me. Iadara is rocking some really profound magic - let's luxuriate in that high fantasy a little!
What were the the old elitest tropes of Kyonin?
keftiu |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
keftiu wrote:What were the the old elitest tropes of Kyonin?Its treatment in the Spore War Player's Guide has me excited that this take on Kyonin will avoid old elitist tropes, which I appreciate - but I'm hoping there's room for parts of the elven nation to get really weird. Their capital is the hub for a portal network that spans the globe and the solar system; if I remember right, Knights of Lastwall had a lich from Sovyrian commanding Lashunta vampires, and more stuff like that would delight me. Iadara is rocking some really profound magic - let's luxuriate in that high fantasy a little!
Some really old materials presented Kyonin's elves like your typical snooty "high elves"; dismissive of other racers and super orderly (Lawful under the old Alignment paradigm)... despite none of that actually being Golarion Elf lore, which presents them as a pretty fundamentally mercurial culture broadly.
Morhek |
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what comes next?
They've been freed, do they know how hard it is to lead?
But more seriously, a country trying to put itself back together after a long Reign of Terror could be a wonderful place to tell stories of intrigue, and as real French history shows the backslide into authoritarianism is entirely possible. Galt has as much of a claim to the old Taldan Empire legacy as Ravounel or Cheliax do, and it has neighbours to the north who are vulnerable and potentially lucrative if Galt could secure the overland route from Sarkoris now that Lake Encarthan isn't safe due to a certain Whispered Tyrant. And as happened in France, there might be any number of potential heirs hoping to be restored to their grandfathers' estates now that the Gray Gardeners are gone.
Meanwhile, I hope that a 2e treatment gives Paizo the chance to make Andoran seem like a cooler place to tell stories. It gets stereotyped as the Revolutionary America setting because Democracy, but I feel like you could do a lot to draw influence from Dutch history, especially the Stadholderless periods and the Anglo-Dutch Wars, with the diminishing of Chelaxian naval power and perhaps the rise of Taldan naval power under Eutropia, Andoran trying to carve itself out as more of a naval power in Golarion's Age of Sail. You could do a great campaign centred around that, never setting foot on land other than maybe a few port cities.
Brinebeast |
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Andoran is also due for a slight refocus now that the slave trade has largely collapsed across the Inner Sea Region. A big part of Andoran's identity was as anti-slavers. I am curious to see where they place their focus now.
Brinebeast |
I am personally kind of excited for the Five Kings Mountains. We haven't gotten much regarding the Five Kings Mountains as a Nation and it will be interesting to see it explored as a Nation.