Can we talk about the branch advancement skills?

Strength of Thousands

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Specifically the Tempest-Sun Mages and Uzunjati.

For reference, the advancement skills for studying are as follows:

Cascade Bearers: Arcana, Occultism, Religion
Emerald Boughs: Deception, Diplomacy, Society
Rain-Scribes: Medicine, Nature, Survival
Tempest-Sun Mages: Intimidation, Performance
Uzunjati: Crafting, Lore

I have a player who joined the Uzunjati specifically because their focus is on storytelling and performance. Teacher Nhyria is a playwright, Teacher Anhassunu is a historian and linguist, and Janatimo is a storyteller and listener. Why in the world is Performance not an Uzunjati skill?

I can see the reasoning for Lore in the Uzunjati, but I'm also confused as to why Crafting is a skill for that branch--it seems like a much stronger fit for Cascade Bearers (if I was writing it, I'd swap Crafting and Religion).

Meanwhile, Tempest-Sun Mages makes sense to have Intimidation, but I'm confused as to why Athletics or Acrobatics aren't recommended there. Performance makes... zero sense to me for a Tempest-Sun Mage.

But I'm interested in my fellow GM's thoughts. What's the deal with these skills?

(Full disclosure, I posted this in the strength of thousands subreddit as well. But since it's relatively small, I wanted to hear from you folks too.)

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I had similar issues. In my campaign I moved performance to the Uzunjati and gave Tempest Sun Mages athletics and performance.

This gave each branch three skills to test off of.

Maybe because Uzajanti Storytelling replaced the Performance skill with a knowledge skill?

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

It's probably yeah to avoid "trap option" considering that you can use recall knowledge skills for perform checks with Uzunjati Storytelling feat(and that school will grant you that feat eventually)

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