Dedicated Orphaned Group of Time-Twisted Runelord Fighters Seeking New GM


Hi --

We're a party of L13 individuals just about to end the threat (we think, anyway) of the Peacock Spirit in an attempt to restore calm and peace amongst the machinations of these re-awakened runelords.

We're a good and dedicated group of players who've been at this since 2019 - and we've managed a pretty good mix of forward progress and RP as we've moved forward.

If you want to take a look, Here is our gameplay thread -- there's a few thousand posts, and I'd probably recommend jumping ahead a few hundred posts to when we got into our groove and started really understanding who the characters are.

Sadly, our former GM left without a trace, and one of the players has been trying to keep things going -- but has informed us that they can't anymore.

I am completely unfamiliar with the AP and only recently started GMing on these boards, but if you all are more than halfway through the AP and going strong a year after losing your original GM, then you seem like a good group. Could you give me some time to get the AP and figure out where you all are and what your arc has been so far?

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