Mightypion |
Hi there,
if a Bloodrager dips into Fractured mind + Exciter (unless I overlooked something, these two archetypes are compatible), can he be bloodraging and in excitation at the same time?
He can obviously not directly stack the boni (no +8 to STR), but exciter, as well as some bloodrager archetypes, can boost other abilities then STR and Con.
Can a "double raging" PC cast spells (maybe Bloodrager spells, because excitation works like Bloodrage, and thus should allow bloodrager spells being cast, but probably not psychic spells because psychic spells arent bloodrager spells, generally speaking)
So, Minmaximus the Level 4 Bloodrager level 1 Fractured Mind/Exciter
Free action Excitation, Free action Bloodrage, Uses his normal Bloodrage for +4 to STR and Con, and his excitation for +4 to Dex and CHA, if one ends he becomes fatigues, which also automatically ends the other.

Phoebus Alexandros |

It would appear such a character could enter Bloodrage and Rapture at the same time. As long as they’re using each feature toward two different sets of abilities, you should be fine.
Where I think you’ll run into issues is spellcasting. Per Bloodcasting (Su), the ability that allows spells to be cast while bloodraging, a Bloodrager cannot cast spells from other classes while in Bloodrage. Similarly, per Perfect Passion (Su), the ability that allows psychic spells with an emotion component (emphasis mine) to be cast while in Rapture, an Exciter cannot cast arcane or divine spells or psychic spells that have a thought component while in a rapture.
This tells me that that while your character is in both these states, they cannot cast either Bloodrager or Exciter spells. Bloocasting disqualifies spells from other classes, while Perfect Casting disqualifies arcane and divine spells (and, in fact, many psychic spells). I imagine that in turn detracts from the benefit of boosting Charisma for the character in question.

Wonderstell |

Free action Excitation, Free action Bloodrage, Uses his normal Bloodrage for +4 to STR and Con, and his excitation for +4 to Dex and CHA, if one ends he becomes fatigues, which also automatically ends the other.
Actually, fatigue only prevents you from starting rage. It doesn't end rage if you're already raging. You would however become exhausted when you end them both.
Well, my question (with no clear answer to me) is whether or not the faq prohibiting stacking multiple types of rage is intended to apply here.
Huh, is there such a FAQ? (I'd look it up myself but Paizo's FAQ page is horrible.)
Also, Exciter is pretty hilarious in how the designer of the archetype tells on themselves so hard. This is a person who loathes ragecycling, no doubt.

Phoebus Alexandros |

Well, my question (with no clear answer to me) is whether or not the faq prohibiting stacking multiple types of rage is intended to apply here.
Having just read said FAQ for the first time, I’m inclined to reverse my original answer and say that it does apply, and the two shouldn’t stack.
Huh, is there such a FAQ? (I'd look it up myself but Paizo's FAQ page is horrible.)
Here you go!

Wonderstell |

Thanks for the link!
Anger management: If I am in a rage, or an Unchained rage, or a bloodrage, or some similar form of rage, can I stack up as many benefits as possible?
No. When you either activate or are affected by a new form of rage (such as a barbarian’s rage, a skald’s raging song, a bloodrager’s bloodrage, and the rage spell), you can choose whether to keep your current rage or to accept the new rage instead, much like a creature affected by multiple polymorph effects. If you are in the throes of a rage that you could not automatically end on your own, such as a wild rager’s wild rage, you may not choose to replace it with a new rage effect. The exception to this rule is the skald’s master skald ability, which explicitly allows the skald’s raging song to stack with other rage effects.
This FAQ is pretty interesting.
You're not actually forced into off-on switching, which would result in you being fatigued and unable to enter rage, but just seamlessly jump to the second rage ability.
So if I was using Bloodrage (+4 Str, +4 Con) and switched to Rapture (+4 Dex, +4 Cha) I would not become fatigued in any way. And if I used the Community-Minded cheese I'd be able to prolong the Bloodrage's +4/+4 for two rounds after the switch.
And vice versa, I suppose.

Mightypion |
Ye, I think overall it is still good, like, you start as Bloodrager, pick the dip very early, and essentially get a second rage pool to complement your first, pick dedication phantom and enjoy basically +8 to most willsaves.
Possibly bop into Teleportation mastery at level 5 off a robe of twine if your GM OKs that base fortitude is increased by strong fort save class stacking.

Derklord |
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You're not actually forced into off-on switching, which would result in you being fatigued and unable to enter rage, but just seamlessly jump to the second rage ability.
It doesn't change what happens when a rage ends. The Bloodrage description says "When the bloodrage ends, he’s fatigued for a number of rounds equal to twice the number of rounds spent in the bloodrage." It doesn't care whether you're in some kind of rage or not, it only checks Bloodrage. If you're no longer in a Bloodrage, for whatever reason, your Bloodrage has ended - that's what the word means.
Even under the most benevolent interpretation of that FAQ, you'd need to pay daily rounds for both.

Wonderstell |

Well you can't have two rage effects active at the same time, right? So to change from Bloodrage to UnRage there can't be a time when both are active. That is, one effect must end before the other starts.
So you'd become fatigued before the second rage ability starts affecting you which prevents you from entering the rage. That's how I reasoned. And since the FAQ never mentions this issue I took that to mean that you aren't fatigued. A stretch, perhaps.
Unless the first rage effect ends within the second rage effect? Which seems to contradict the FAQ.

Derklord |

So you'd become fatigued before the second rage ability starts affecting you which prevents you from entering the rage.
It's entering the second rage that makes the first rage end. You activate the second rage, and then you decide which rage to keep. That's how having multiple polymorph effects work, and rage is stated to work like them.
What we don't know for certain is whether the old effect outright ends, or is just suppressed (in which case you'd have to keep paying for it, or end it voluntarily). But a state where you're no longer effected by or paying for the first rage, and yet is has not ended, voilates what "to end" means.