At least 100 vehicles and bases

Homebrew and House Rules

There's a number, name, Description, speed(zero for a base), and price(in credits and GPV). You can discuss others estimates of price, as a used vehicle will be a fraction of the value based on it's functionality. Bases should be movable such as by towing.

An enclosed structure on 4 large wheels. There is seating for 4 medium humanoids inside, facing each other. Pulled by at least 2 horses. Steered by a driver up front and above via reins.
Speed is as the horses, considered encumbered.
Price: 100gp. (without horses) Weight:600 lbs.
Notes: A fancy carriage is considered masterwork and the ornamentation adds about 50 lbs. Nobility calls your basic carriage a stagecoach.

2: Flying Rowboat

If PC's have access to their own Airship, even better. Flying Rowboat is treated as a Magic Item for all intents and purposes. GM Notes: for any other magical rulings, treat as if under Permanent Overland Flight spell .

Space: 3 squares; 5ft x 15ft (seats 3 medium creatures comfortably, 6 medium creatures can Squeeze Squeezing Rules may apply; 600lbs+ Medium Load, 800lbs+ Heavy Load, max allowable weight: 1,000lbs)
Maximum Speed: 40ft/round, reduce to 30ft/round if Medium or Heavy load; if weight exceeds 1,000lbs, the rowboat glides downward at 15ft/round decent until it lands; Acceleration 10 ft.
Propulsion: Magic; Pilot need only give command words/thoughts to steer, stop, or go forward; does not function in Anti-Magic Field or similar spells/effects. Dispel Magic does not remove the Permanency spell, rather it acts upon this Flying Rowboat as if it were a Magic Item, and temporarily removes the permanent enchantment for 1d4 rounds (falls 500ft/round during first round, 1000ft/round every full round of falling thereafter). DC = 11 + the item's caster level (13CL minimum, GM's option to make CL higher).
Attack: ram 1d8
CMB +1; CMD 11
AC: 9
Hardness: 5
HP: 60 (29)
Base Save: 0
Price: 12,550gp (12,500gp for permanent lvl5 enchantment, 50gp for rowboat)
Special: If Pilot has 3 or more ranks in Fly Skill, Pilot gains an additional bonus on any Fly checks equal to half their character level (rounded down). If Pilot has 10 or more ranks in Fly Skill, Pilot may take 10 on Fly Checks even while under duress (such as in combat).

3:Planet Hopper Shuttlecraft
With a standard frame, this workhorse has all the minimum systems. The pilot and copilot seats are adjustable to large so anything larger needs to sit on the padded passenger couch which seats 3 m sized or 2 large comfortably. The name refers to hopping from starship to planet, back, or from place to place on a planet. To go from one planet to another in the same system would require a drift drive or the ability to hibernate upwards of a year. It comes with 3 cargo bays which can be converted to house a drift drive, refrigeration, a lab, or something. +6 armor applies against siege weapons and energy weapons, but it already qualifies as hard metal. Though small for a spacecraft, it is the size of a cottage.The deflective armor coating is a silvery color.

speed: 6 hexes(miles) per round.

Cost: 40,000 GPV/credits

Notes: This conversion from Starfinder was hard and notes and suggestions will be considered.

4. Mojang-class Miningcraft
This track-wheeled, Large size, burrowing vehicle seats 2 (passenger and driver) and has a 5' storage compartment (1,000 lb) which can be accessed by the occupants. It can mine through sand, soil, and gravel (Speed 20, Burrow 20) and thin layers of rock (half speed). It automatically fills in the tunnel behind it unless purposefully set to carve out a tunnel (half speed). Though it has flood-lighting (or magical lighting depending on the tech), the driver doesn't have any actual way to see where they're going normally while burrowing (it would just be earth and stone ahead of them). The forward and side viewports are just narrow, shielded slits, making vision around it very sub-optimal in normal operation above ground or in tunnels.

It has an automatic mineral sensor to collect metals, minerals and gemstones in passing (typical settings include iron, coal, diamond, etc.) and it can be set for up to three simultaneously. It is considered to have an Appraise score of +2 (though certain models can be upgraded), so while it's competent at most metals, sometimes gemstones slip past it or it identifies ordinary stones incorrectly and fills the cargo storage with them. The passenger can substitute their own Appraise skill ranks (not total modifier, excluding bonuses from Skill Focus specifically) in place of the vehicle, but this requires them to stay focused on the controls and sensor data (a move-action). The driver can also do this as they pilot, but they only add half their skill ranks (rounded down) and still require a move-action in addition to any other actions taken to pilot the miningcraft.

Strangely, it cannot penetrate bedrock; it fails to make any impact on solid stone of more than 10 feet in thickness. This is a strange limitation, since it can burrow through lesser thicknesses of stone, but until it contacts bedrock and thicker stone, the driver may not be aware of whether it will penetrate or not until it contacts the material.

If upgraded and outfitted with a diamond mining drill, it can double the thickness of stone and bedrock it can burrow through. This does not increase the speed it burrows through other substances.

A creature caught in the path of the mining craft is treated as an overrun attempt but also receives 4d8 damage (bludgeoning, piercing, slashing); assuming the target has room or is able to dodge, a Reflex save (DC 13) negates the damage. The DC is increased by the driver's ability modifier (typically Dex) if the attempt to strike the target is purposeful.

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