Party Treasure By Level question

Pathfinder Second Edition General Discussion

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

So, as I have mentioned in another thread, I am trying to map out the treasure in an adventure. For a group of level three characters, table 10-9 recommends 2 3rd level and 2 4th level permanent items. What about lower level permanent items? Does this mean that the group should not encounter any 2nd level items? Or are lower level items excluded from the list because they are so "behind the times" at that level that sprinkling a few in would not imbalance things?

For instance, should all magic weapons at this point be +1 striking and not merely +1? Even if throwing a smattering of +1 weapons in here and there is considered not that consequential, wouldn't it wreck what feels like a much tighter game economy?

Mostly this one.

Green Eyed Liar wrote:
Or are lower level items excluded from the list because they are so "behind the times" at that level that sprinkling a few in would not imbalance things?

When deciding treasure for an encounter or a series of encounters, try to keep things interesting or expect that the players will sell what you give them and buy the equipment that they want. Handing out a bunch of low level items is only good if it will be interesting items. Otherwise it is just a bunch of future GP with more bulk.

The wealth by level table is also just a guideline. The players and the GM should all be working to keep the characters reasonably in-line with the table, but it doesn't need to be exact. Keep the higher level items in check, but don't worry too much about the lower level ones.

Also compare the player's actual stats to what they would get if you were using the Automatic Bonus Progression. That will point out any serious encounter balance problems such as the characters not having striking runes on their weapons.

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