Are my players screwed (no cleric)

Wrath of the Righteous

I am running a WOTR campaign for 6 PCs, all experienced players (three great, two good, one not so great). I am using a modified set of mythic rules for the players - mostly ability score bonuses, surges, and some of the base abilities. No feats, and no mythic paths. I gave them an elite point buy, and everyone is getting a very powerful legacy item (that mostly gives them access to more options, rather than things that are potentially imbalancing like the mythic abilities).

the enemies will utilize the normal mythic rules, and if needed, the enhanced monster blocs that scorpion created. I generally boost monster hit points to max, and add a few more enemies to encounter. So far the difficulty level has been great - most fights are very challenging, and one or two pcs go down, but no deaths. But I'm worried about how this will scale.

My big concern is that the PCs did not make a cleric, or a primary healer. They do have a load of secondary healers. The party is

1. A Ranger/Paladin (principle melee. She will end up being Ranger 16 or 17, and Paladin 3-4). Shield bash build, demonslayer Has been very effective. I am boosting Radiance to eventually allow her to count character levels as paladin levels for the purposes of using the abilities she already has access to (so lay on hands would scale, for instance, but she wouldn't get the mercies unless she made it to that level)

2. An Inquisitor of Iomadae

3. A druid (more focused on wildshaping)

4. An arcanist

5. A transmuter who will be dipping into two prestiege classes. He is focused on shapechanging for melee combat

6. An unchained rogue.

I begged someone to make a cleric, but no dice. The transmuter will eventually be able to cast heal as a 7th level spell due to his prestige class.

I added in some alternate mythic abilities to help boost their survivability, and I will rebuild Arushalae as an oracle to help (though her casting will be several levels behind the PCs).

My worry is that when they start to get deeper into the mythic their combat healing will simply not be able to keep up with the burst damage they will take. Out of combat recovery should be fine.

Thoughts from the GMs who have run this?

You'll have to worry about them taking damage at all, really. Combats are short and deadly as you get higher in levels and mythic tiers. Sounds like you're upping the difficult of the fights, so I can't say for sure how this compares to my game where I stopped buffing enemies after book 3 because I couldn't be bothered to spend more than an hour on fights anymore.

My group ran with Paladin, Sanctified Slayer Ravener Hunter Inquisitor of Noticula, Demonslayer Ranger, Arcanist, and Constructed Pugilist Brawler VMC Barbarian. So, no cleric. The arcanist with UMD/Limited Wish/Wish and Inquisitor handled most condition removal before they stopped failing saving throws, and the only real hiccup they had was when the Arcanist died and no one else had the UMD to use the scroll of Resurrection they had bought. They had to call in Arueshalae to come make the check. Otherwise, not much went wrong for them in that regard.

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