The Dark Souls RPG will be using 5e rules

Other RPGs

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Honestly, I find this to be a really interesting choice, and I'm curious what people think of it. The discussions it's starting elsewhere are riveting.

What do you think of 5e as a system for a Dark Souls RPG?

What do you think a Dark Souls RPG should feel like?

What TTRPGs do you think would make better models for a Dark Souls RPG?

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They should make it into a video game!

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Fundamentally, 5e - a game with very little options in-play and nothing to mechanize anything relating to Dark Souls - is a poor fit for it. Call of Cthulhu is a better fit. Ironsworn is practically tailor-made to be Dark Souls!

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This was a neat read. A Dark Souls RPG already exists!

I feel like Torchbearer would be a really interesting fit. Honestly, though, Dark Souls isn't meant to be about multiple characters working together as a team. I think a Dark Souls RPG would have to move way, way beyond the D&D/Pathfinder/GURPS default structure of "a group of would-be heroes roll dice and become stronger".

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I'm mostly confused of how much they will homebrew it because 5e doesn't really work for heavily tactical game.

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Honestly, I could be hopeful. The Hellboy RPG heavily modified 5e and works fantastically. I like it better than normal 5e.

Liberty's Edge

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My bet: It's just a setting book and will contain minimal crunch beyond a healthy section devoted to the iconic Monsters, Equipment (Estus etc), and to bolt on a new subsystem whereby you replace Experience with Souls. I predict that literally everything else is going to be lore, set dressing, art, and perhaps, just MAYBE one or two short adventure outlines with a maximum of 3-4 maps between them.

Tactical play, difficulty, and the souls-like feel just simply cannot be instilled into 5e unless they upend pretty much everything that makes mainline D&D type games what they are; Alignment, 6 Ability Scores, traditional AC, Saving Throws, Skill Checks, Perception, Initiative, Spell Slots, and party comp just do not, and I would maintain cannot, coexist with a game that tries to properly do the Souls games right.

I'd love to be proven wrong, though the timing here KINDA sucks, to be honest, what with Elden Ring on the horizon which is going to define the entire genre and also act as a benchmark for the new console generation.

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Not a great fit for D&D5e mechanically or thematically, but D&D5e is where the money's at, especially with all the added hype for Elden Ring at present.

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