The Nahyndrian elixir and the Purity Forge...

Wrath of the Righteous

So my party just started the Midnight Isles, and due to time constraints with our group, I'm kind of accelerating things a bit for the group. Still hitting the highlights, but things like reducing the size of the dungeons, skipping stuff I know they would hate, etc.

So in reading through the books, I'm worried they are going to try to (and eventually find a way) to get a Nahyndrian elixir back to Drezen; and these plotwreckers are the type that will both A) Try to drink it themselves or B) toss it in the purity forge once they realize its evil.

As far as I can tell, it doesn't say what happens if a non chaotic evil creature drinks the elixir normally.

Anyone have any experience with either scenario?

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Well, I imagine that this is something that the purity forge cannot purify. You hit it with a hammer and it explodes. Because that makes sense. Otherwise, turn it into Nectar of the Gods.

As to drinking it, well, hopefully they pass the fort save as every creature has to make that except demons, but then nothing probably happens. By ensuring that the only thing it does is empower their enemies and hurt the PCs, they have more incentive to destroy all of it.

Scarab Sages

I'd warn them not to do it, have the character make a check (autosucceed) to know this is a BAD idea, ask if they were absolutely sure and if they still insisted on drinking it have them make a fort save or take the con drain and then lose a mythic rank. Depending on how many warnings I gave and if I was having it act as nector of the gods rather than giving a mythic rank. Depends on how big a threat I'd want it to be whether it would only allow ascension then act as nector or just keep ranking the drinker up to 10.

Its made quite clear this serum is ONLY for chaotic evil beings . . .

If a chaotic evil creature drinks it they must make a fort save or take con damage then ascend or gain a mythic rank (demons auto-succeed the save). GM discretion allows them to treat as a nector of the gods.

plus we see nector of the gods elsewhere that is stated as being so tainted by abyssal powers the players can't use it. So a Nahyndrian elixir unless one of your players is chaotic evil or a demon (in which case it functions as written for them) drinking this stuff is very much not something to do.

I also agree with Kasoh an elixir is not something the forge can restore and attempts would probably destroy the case (you can't really reforge a liquid). That said I've learnt not to underestimate players and if they did somehow figure out a way to purify it and turn it into a holy equivalent I'd probably only allow it to work on lawful good beings and angels (flip of original product) and just slowly work out the mythic tiers over time as everyone winds up at 10 in the end and you need more trials the higher tier you are.

Memory serves me correctly, the case itself is magical itself and resilient in order to house the elixir. So following that, it may be feasible to just toss the whole thing in if they so desire.

It may be a moot point regardless as they can't use any teleportation effects with it in tow, so getting it there after they destroy the rift may be beyond difficult. I can't see any other way the players could get it from the Abyss to Drezen unless they thought to find another rift (and even then, is it going to be worth the headache?).

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