Question about the English language as used in Paizo products from a non native speaker

Paizo General Discussion

Hey everyone, since it's not been quite that long ago: Belated happy new year to everybody.

As stated in the subject, I've stumbled across an issue in Lost Omens: Monsters of Myth
There only ever seem to be left quotation marks, making it seems as if quotes are started but never finished, which actually made me reread quite a few sentences, since I thought I missed something and was confused as to who the speaker was.
Is that something that's normal and that I was just never taught about or did some typesetter actually forget to close each and every instance of direct speech?

Thanks in advance

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That's correct.

In written English, if a direct quote continues for more than one paragraph, you use an opening quotation mark at the beginning of each paragraph. Use a closing quotation mark, however, only at the end of the person's speech, not at the end of every paragraph.

MLA source

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Thank you for clearing that up.
Although a probably still need to get used to it :D

Liberty's Edge

4 people marked this as a favorite.

I learned something new here.

Thanks both for asking and for answering :-)

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