The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent


Nick Cage stars as Nick Cage

So...yeah. This is a movie...and yet not quite an MST3K riff.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

This looks amazing.

Peak Cage.

Liberty's Edge

The most Nick Cage movie ever. Looks great.

Not sure that's the ringing endorsement you make it out to be Cape...

This movie will make a lot more sense to people who realize that Nicolas Cage's weird style of overacting is pretty deliberate and arguably actually really good.

It has ties to things like Kabuki theater and is a result of Nicolas Cage trying to push boundaries artistically - it just isn't necessarily what the audience wants or thinks is good, because he isn't necessarily doing it for the audience.

This movie concept reminds me of Shia Labeouf's recent delvings into performance art, where he examines and questions what it means to be famous.

Silver Crusade

The idea kinda sounds brilliant to me.

You pretty much know immediately if you're in the target demographic. If it is remotely competently done AND you're in the target demographic you'll love it.

If you're not in the target demographic you have no need to waste any more time thinking about this movie. You pretty much know you'll not like the movie.

As somebody who is firmly NOT in the target demographic I think its great :-).

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